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API-based CRUD operations

Create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on data objects in Constellation-based applications in Pega Platform™ require OAuth 2.0 authentication. The service package with Constellation DX APIs also uses OAuth 2.0 authentication.  

For OAuth 2.0 protected resources, create OAuth 2.0 Client registration based on operator or Access Group. To help ensure maximum security, create an operator or Access Group dedicated to API interaction.  

Use a savable Data Page to save a new record (create operation) or modify an existing record (update operation) on the data object where you perform CRUD operations. Use a Data Page with a lookup as a data source and a key as a parameter for the read or query operation. To delete a record, use a savable Data Page with a condition for deletion.

The following video demonstrates these CRUD operations:

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