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Constellation Web embed

With Constellation, Web embed allows you to embed Pega workflows in your existing website. You can choose parts of a Pega Platform™ UI that suit your business needs and make them available to users of other websites by creating a Web embed Channel and inserting the auto-generated markup into any web page.

Web embed functionality

Web embeds help you incorporate specific Constellation landing pages and Case experiences into your existing web assets regardless of your front-end framework.

Unlike the Pega web mashup, which uses <iframe> components, the web embed in a Constellation application relies on HTML5 web components. This standard provides a means of defining custom full-fledged HTML elements.

The following figure displays a Constellation View in a Pega application Portal:

A Create Loan Application View in Pega's native Portal.

The following figure displays the previous Constellation View, but using Pega's Web embed functionality to incorporate it into a non-Pega website:

Example of a Web embed in a Loan Application website

The Web Embed script supports theme parameters to customize the look and feel of embedded applications to allow a seamless integration with external sites.

You can create a new Web Embed using the options on the Channel tab in App Studio.

Note: For more information on Constellation Web embed functionality, see Embedding Constellation UI in web pages.

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