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Enterprise Class Structure

An enterprise can have a complex organizational structure with many locations. For example, an electronics retailer sells mobile devices and laptops in stores, online, and social media. The electronics retailer needs a way to manage their channels, products, and customers. The customers of the electronics retailer are in different countries. The electronics retailer must maintain compliance with the regulations of each jurisdiction.

It might be best to create separate copies of the application for each product, region, or channel with some application development platforms. Or, you manage the complexity of the different channels and regions in a single application. The result is hard-to-manage enterprise applications that do not scale.

Pega Platform™ enables you to organize your application by using the same dimensions as your business. Pega Platform makes reusing common policies and procedures easy while allowing for differences between products, regions, channels, and customer segments.

Pega Platform supports such coordination by using a class hierarchy structure called Enterprise Class Structure (ECS). Typically, a lead system architect (LSA) designs the ECS. 


In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about ECS Layers:

Note:  You can bundle organization, division, or unit assets into applications for ease of packaging.
Note:  To learn more about enterprise reuse and modular business architecture best practices, see Module Enterprise Reuse Foundation.

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