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Error handling in connectors

Connectors are used to write data to or read data from an external system. Since connectors communicate with external systems, the possibility of something going wrong always exists. Therefore, a best practice is to include error handling for all connectors. The following table presents both types of errors that can occur when integrating with an external system, as well as best practice strategies for each:

Error type Description Example Action strategy
Transient Errors These errors are temporary and usually correct themselves over time.

The connector is unable to connect because the application is being restarted and is temporarily unavailable.

Post a note to alert the end user that the integration failed and ask the user to retry at a later time. Alternatively, if the response is not immediately needed, the connection can be automatically retried.
Permanent Errors These errors are typically due to a configuration error or an error in the remote application logic. An invalid SOAP request is sent to a SOAP service. The error persists until the SOAP request message is fixed. Write the details to a log file so that errors can be investigated and fixed. In addition, you might want to implement a Process for the investigation and fixing.
Integration Error 0

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