Managing problem flows on the Flow errors page
Identify and manage problem flows using the Flow Errors landing page accessed by navigating to Dev Studio > Case Management > Processes > Flow Errors. The pzLPProblemFlows ListView report associated with this landing page queries worklist and work assignments where the pxFlowName property value starts with FlowProblems. These flow error assignments are initially routed to the operator and assignment type returned by the nonfinal getFlowProblemOperator activity. The default values are Broken Process and Workbasket, respectively. Each row in the report identifies an individual flow problem. Rows may reflect a common condition or unrelated conditions generated by multiple applications.
Use the following features to fix problem flows:
Use Resume Flow if you want to resume flow execution beginning at the step after the paused step. Use this option when the application performs a valid action that is not represented in the flow. For example, a flow contains a decision shape that evaluates a decision table. If the decision table returns a result that does not correspond to a connector in the flow, add the connector to the decision shape and resume it. The flow uses the already-determined decision result to select the appropriate connector and advance to the appropriate shape.
Use Retry Last Step to resume flow execution by re-executing the step that paused. Use this option to resume flow execution that pauses due to a transient issue such as a connector timeout or failure, or if you resolve an error by reconfiguring a rule used by the flow. For example, if you add a missing result to a decision table to fix a flow error, select Retry last step to reevaluate the decision table to determine the appropriate flow connector.
Use Restart Flow to start the flow at the initial step. If an issue requires an update to a flow step that the application already processed, resume the flow at the initial step.
Use Delete Orphan Assignments to delete assignments for which the work item cannot be found. Use this option to resolve flow errors caused by a user lacking access to a needed rule, such as an activity, due to a missing ruleset or privilege. Selecting Delete Orphan Assignments resolves an assignment that a user is otherwise unable to perform.
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