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Modules and the Situational Layer Cake

Because you can reuse workflows, data, decisions, case types, and other rules as packaged Modules in Pega applications, this leads to cost and effort savings. 

Pega's Situational Layer Cake approach also helps enterprises to further manage all types of variations, thereby reducing complexity and enabling reuse.

'Layers' can be the differences, or specializations, between:

  • geographies,
  • policies of individual business units,
  • product line variations, 
  • customer segments,
  • other differences.

Thinking of enterprise reuse in terms of modules and layers makes managing the complexity of an application much easier and more effective - making changes in one place means that those changes are reflected wherever that Module is in use within the layers of your application.

Layer cake

Traditional Situational Layer Cake

Pega’s Situational Layer Cake approach is perfectly suited for enterprise reuse.

Traditionally, Pega's reusable rules, such as data pages, connectors, and common activities, are saved in a single, large, enterprise reuse layer, or framework layer, so that they can be reused elsewhere. Often, the framework layer is created by a Pega Platform™ or center of excellence (COE) team.  

Many organizations have achieved strong value with a single, large, enterprise reuse layer. However, as Pega's clients have scaled, many have asked how to better manage reuse across multiple applications and environments. Pega’s most experienced Lead System Architects and Business Architects, working in conjunction with Pega’s product engineering team, have developed a modular approach to reuse that focuses on smaller units of reusable modules.

Modular Situational Layer Cake

A Module-centric design pattern, or 'Modular' Situational Layer Cake, is the optimal way to organize reusable low code assets across the enterprise.

In this design pattern, the enterprise layer is very lightweight, only holding common assets that are applicable across the enterprise, such as UI styling, security, and authentication features.

Instead, Modules contain the majority of the reusable capabilities, which are focused on the needs of a business entity, on system integration, or on utility.

Applications contain the cases and any rules that are specific to that application and that won’t be shared with other applications.

This design pattern offers the following advantages:

  • EASY TO DEVELOP AND REUSE as a Module covers only one functional topic
  • EASY TO GOVERN as Modules are 'complete' blocks of functionality
  • EASY TO SCALE as Modules can be imported and upgraded without regression testing the entire application
  • FACILITATES CONTINUOUS DELIVERY and autonomy of distributed development teams 

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