Passed deadline interval
The passed deadline interval defines when to take further action because the Step or Case is past the deadline. The interval measures the time that has passed since the deadline for a still-open Assignment. You can configure the passed deadline interval only in Dev Studio.
Note: When you configure a Service-Level Agreement (SLA) in App Studio, the system creates a Service-Level Agreement Rule in Dev Studio. You configure the passed deadline interval on the Service-Level Agreement Rule.
Unlike the goal and deadline intervals, you can configure the passed deadline interval to repeat a fixed number of times or until the user completes the Assignment. You can continue to increase the Assignment Urgency and send an escalation Action each time the passed deadline elapses.
In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about how the goal and deadline differ from the passed deadline interval:
Consider the timesheet submission requirements for a company timesheet. Employees should submit a timesheet within two business days of the end of the work week, but no later than three business days. The company reminds employees to submit their timesheet after the deadline passes at each passed deadline interval. The passed deadline interval is 24 hours and is set to repeat 10 times. The following image shows the goal, deadline, and passed deadline for the timesheet:
Urgency with the passed deadline interval
The maximum Urgency is 100. At an Urgency value of 100, Pega Platform™ ignores further Urgency adjustments and continues other escalation Actions. For example, if the deadline passes, Pega Platform notifies the assigned user. If the Assignment Urgency is 100 at deadline, Pega Platform ignores the Urgency increment and still sends the Notification.
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