Pega Express delivery approach
Pega Express methodology
Pega Platform™ applications drive and facilitate customer interactions. These interactions are referred to as customer journeys, which start when clients first hear about a product offering and continue to the point where they are no longer a customer.
The Pega Express™ methodology is an agile approach that uses design thinking practices to capture the customer journey and quickly deliver a Minimum Loveable Product (MLP) release. An MLP release is one that has been designed with a focus on something a customer would love immediately rather than focusing on something that is simply functional (minimum viable product). The Pega Express methodology breaks the customer journey into smaller pieces called Microjourneys™, which drive the organization to achieve a specific goal for the customer. An MLP release is the simplest solution that can be delivered quickly, and that enables customers to accomplish one or more goals in their journey. The methodology focuses on delivering one goal at a time rather than attempting to develop the entire customer journey at the start. To define an MLP release, the methodology focuses on three pillars of a great application: Microjourneys, personas and channels, and data and interfaces.
A Microjourney is a small part of the overall customer journey and focuses on accomplishing a specific goal for the customer. For example, a customer wants to change their address. This scenario is a Microjourney that starts with the customer's request and results in an outcome, where their address is changed in the company's records.
Personas and Channels
Personas determine who interacts with the application, and channels determine how these individuals interact with the application. For example, a persona could be a customer or a company employee, and a channel could be a web portal or a chatbot. An application can have multiple personas and multiple channels.
Data and Interfaces
Data is the information that the Microjourney interacts with to accomplish the customer's goal, and the interface defines where the data comes from or where it is persisted. An application can interact with multiple types of data, and data can employ multiple interfaces.
In the address change example, the customer's address is data and the system in which the information resides is the interface. In the MLP release, this information might reside in Pega Platform as the system of record, but in a subsequent release the interface might change to another system where customer data is persisted. The methodology recommends that you capture data objects with their appropriate interfaces and align them to the appropriate MLP release.