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Reports and performance

When you first deploy an application, its reports can run without issue and in established Service-Level Agreements (SLAs). However, as the amount of application data increases, the report might run more slowly. Slow report performance can cause memory, CPU, and network issues that affect all application users, not just those running the report.

Pega Platform generates performance alerts when the system exceeds specific limits or thresholds to assist in diagnosing and mitigating these issues. For example, the PEGA0005 - Query time exceeds limit alert helps you recognize when queries have inefficient designs or when the system loads data indiscriminately.  

For more information about performance alerts, see the Performance alerts.

Note: Guardrail warnings alert you to potential performance issues with reports. Instruct your teams to address these warnings before deploying the application from development to target environments.

Memory impact

Large result sets can cause out-of-memory issues. Applications place query results on the clipboard page of the users. Without proper management of these pages, your application eventually shuts down with an out-of-memory (OOM) error.

CPU impact

Using complex SQL can also impact the CPU usage of the database server. When the database performs poorly, all users on all nodes might see an impact. Pega Predictive Diagnostic Cloud (PDC) can assist in identifying these issues. Your database server administrator can set up performance monitoring for the database server.

Network impact

Sending large result sets over the network can cause perceived performance issues for individual users, depending on their bandwidth, network integrity, and network traffic. It is not a best practice to retrieve large Data Sets from the database onto the clipboard. As a best practice, always use pagination and smaller Data Sets that are within the default size limit.

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