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Setting up users and roles

A user must have a user profile on the orchestrator to access Deployment Manager. A Role manages a user's access to features which the user can utilize.

For example, a role can be defined for users who only need access to work with deployment.

The following are the three default roles which are shipped out of the box and define their privileges:

  • Super administrators
  • Application administrators
  • Pipeline users

Privileges for Super administrators are applied across all applications, while privileges for Application administrators are applied only to specific applications. Super administrators can also add roles and specify privileges to assign to these roles. Super administrators and Application administrators can add users and assign them access to the applications that the users can manage.

Adding and modifying roles

If you are a super administrator, you can add and modify roles. Users within a role share defined responsibilities such as starting a deployment in a pipeline.

If you are a super administrator, add or modify a role by doing the following steps:
  1. In the navigation pane of Deployment Manager click Users, and then click Roles and privileges.
  2. Do one of the following actions:
    • To add a role, click Add role.
    • To modify a role, click the gear icon for that role.
  3. In the Add role dialog box, in the Name field, enter a name for the role and update the short description field with the purpose of that role. If you wish to edit the existing role, skip this step.
  4. Select the privileges that you want to assign to the role.

  5. Click Submit.

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Assigning privileges

Privileges are added to a role which provides access to the features available to a user.

Following is the category of privileges that provide access to the resources (pipeline, deployment, task actions, and system) in the Deployment Manager:

  • Pipeline privileges - specifies the actions that are available on a pipeline.
  • Deployment privileges - specifies the actions that are available during the lifecycle of a deployment from the start to completion.
  • Task privileges - specifies the actions that are available for a task in a deployment.
  • System privileges - specifies the options available to manage the Orchestrator system.

For more information about the different privileges and their description, refer to: Assigning privileges.

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