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Settings in Pega Robot Manager

In Pega Robot Manager™, you can complete all required configurations on the Settings page. For example, you can use the Unattended RPA > Robot Registration options to change the Work Groups mapping for a given registration operator, or the threshold for sending information to certain operators if a robot encounters issues.

Accessing Robot Manager settings

You access the Settings page from the Robot Manager navigation pane. 

Settings navigation options.

Set the values in each category in the settings to modify specific parts of your application. 


In the Notification settings window, you can customize the thresholds, intervals, and recipients for notifications that are sent from Robot Manager. For information on which values you can modify, see Settings for Notifications.

Settings page for notifications

Data retention

In the Data retention settings window, you can manage different values that affect the ingestion, archiving, and purging of operational statistics data, as well as the purging of usage telemetry data. For more information on all operational statistic values available, see Settings for Data retention.

Settings page that includes all options for data retention.

Attended RPA

In the Attended RPA settings window, you can modify the settings for the Attended RPA landing page, including values for the dashboard and various intervals. For more information on all available values, see Settings for Attended RPA.

Settings page for Attended RPA

Unattended RPA

In the Unattended RPA settings window, you can modify the values on the Unattended RPA landing page, including intervals and thresholds. On the Robot Registration tab, you can specify settings for work groups and robot registration. For more information on all available values, see Settings for Unattended RPA.

Settings page for Unattended RPA.

Packages and Assets

In the Packages and Assets settings window, you can manage the information on the Packages landing page, including signing, encryption, and asset-related values. For more information about all available values, see Settings for Packages.

Settings page for packages and assets

Usage telemetry 

In the Usage telemetry settings window, you can modify the maximum limits for both unattended robots and attended users on the Usage telemetry landing page. For more information on the available values, see Settings for Usage telemetry.

Usage telemetry settings page

For detailed instructions on changing all these settings, see Modifying settings in Pega Root Manager, and for a complete list of all settings in Robot Manager, see List of settings in Pega Robot Manager.

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