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Teams of users

Resource-sharing across the organization

Operators are associated with business units in the organization. To manage the needs of a cross-functional organization, you can create work groups with team members across the entire organization, regardless of the business unit with which the operator is associated. 

Tip: Operators in Dev Studio are also called users and people in App Studio.

In the center of the following image, slide the vertical line to see users from different business units in the same work group:

Work group

A work group identifies a cross-functional team that contains a manager and a work queue. Operators associated with a work group can share work among operators in different business units. Each work group contains one work queue.

Tip: To increase productivity and facilitate the distribution of the workload in your application development process, create a team. For more information on creating teams, see Creating a team.

Relationship between work group and work queue

A work queue is a shared workbasket of work items that operators, who are assigned to a work queue, can access. A work queue is similar to a worklist. However, a worklist contains only the work assigned to a specific operator. The work queue in a work group contains shared work for all operators associated with that work group.

Note:  In Pega Platform™, a work queue requires a work group and a work group requires a work queue. When setting up your first work group, you can use the [email protected] work queue. For more information on adding work queues, see Adding work queues to a team.

Work groups and operators

An operator must be associated with at least one work group and can belong to more than one work group. Associating operators to work groups allows businesses to manage how individuals share work without affecting the organizational hierarchy.

For example, a finance analyst, marketing manager, and staff writer all work to maintain the company website. They are members of the Website work group, which gives each member of the work group the ability to access work from a shared work queue.

Tip:  As a best practice, configure people and users in App Studio to ensure that the behind-the-scenes rules are set up for you. Dev Studio provides advanced Operator and work group configuration options such as permissions.

In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about shared resources in work groups:

Work group managers

A work group identifies one operator who is the work group manager. The system can use manager information in a work group for notification tasks and routing tasks. Work groups give managers the flexibility to assign, monitor, and report on work performed in each work group. Managers use the User Portal to access the work performed in work groups.

Note: The User Portal refers to work groups as teams.

Work groups can contain Authorized managers to help transfer assignments. For example, if the primary team manager is unavailable, an authorized operator can perform some of the manager responsibilities. Authorized managers are not required to be part of the work group and cannot perform approvals or complete assignments.

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