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Work Group and robot monitoring

As an administrator in Pega Robot Manager, you can monitor work groups and their associated robots and get notified when issues need resolution. Use the details on the Work group landing page and its subpages for assignment types and robots to access the key performance indicators (KPIs) and activity logs to monitor the performance of robots.

Monitoring of work groups

The Work groups landing page provides an overview of all defined work groups and the assigned robots. You can monitor the number of assignment types associated with the work group, the number of assigned robots, and the status of the robots. If there are any issues that concern the work group and assignments, Robot Manager displays a warning message, as shown in the following figure:

The Work groups landing page showing the number of connected issues.

To display information about work group issues that require monitoring and attention, click on the group name and open the work group details page. The work group details page provides performance metrics for the assignment types, including the number of completed automations and success rate. Robot Manager indicates issues such as if the number of queued assignments exceeds the capacity or cases in the queue pass the SLA deadline, with an error message, as shown in the following figure: 

The Assignment types section of the work group landing page

If you experience performance issues in the work group, you can reprioritize the assignments or assign more robots to work on the affected assignments. You can also use the auto-balancing feature to maintain exceeding tasks automatically. 

For monitoring purposes, Robot Manager generates and collects audit information on any action performed on the work group, assignment type, and robots. For more information about audit messages, see Audit messages for actions on assignment types, robots, and work groups.

The audit messages for work group include a time stamp, action description, and name of the user, as shown in the following figure: 

The Work group audit dialog box that shows the recent activity log.

 For more information about accessing audit messages, see Monitoring audit messages for assignment types from a work group.

Monitoring of robots

The work group details page displays the list of assigned robots, status, current activity, and performance, as shown in the following figure: 

The Robots section of the work group landing page that shows robots status and activity.

You can click the assignment type to see the recent activity of all robots working on the assignment. You can review the failed assignments and adjust compliance thresholds used to inform administrators about the high load, for example, maximum capacity or maximum automation run time, as shown in the following figure:

The Activity tab for all robots working on the assignment type.

In a work group, clicking a robot gives you information about its activity, status, and the number of assignments the robot could not process. The Activity tab displays the processing time and time spent in the queue for each assignment, as shown in the following figure: 

Activity tab of the work group.

Robot Manager generates audit messages that create a complete record of actions carried out on the robots, as shown in the following figure: 

The Audit tab for robot SRQ00

For more information about accessing audit messages, see Monitoring audit messages for robots.

Robot health monitoring

The MonitorRobotCommandAndHeartbeat agent monitors the health of robots by checking for heartbeats and the reactions to the start and stop signals. For more information about maintaining the agent in the Dev Studio, see Enabling monitoring of robot and RPA Service health.

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