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Automating Decisions with Decision tables


3 Tasks

10 mins

Visible to: All users
Beginner Pega Platform 8.4 Case Management English
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An organization is launching an application that facilitates loan requests. Customers initiate a loan request and enter their credit score and loan amount. Configure a decision table and declare expression, so the loan rate is determined automatically based on the credit score and loan amount the customer enters. Use the values in the following table to configure your decision table:

  Credit score > Loan amount > Return
if 800 50000 .0225
else if 800 0 .0200
else if 700 50000 .0325
else if 700 0 .0275
else if 200 50000 .045
else if 200 0 .0425
otherwise     .07

The following table provides the credentials you need to complete the challenge.

Role User name Password
Application Developer author@loans pega123!

Challenge Walkthrough

Detailed Tasks

1 Configure the Borrower risk adjustment decision table

  1. From the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click App.
  2. Right-click LoanRequest and click Create > Decision > Decision Table.
  3. In the Label field, enter Borrower risk adjustment table.
  4. Click Create and open to create the decision table.
  5. Click the first heading cell to specify a condition. The Select a Property window is displayed.
    First header in the Borrower risk adjustment decision table
    1. In the Property field, enter or select .CreditScore.
    2. Click the Use Operator drop-down and select >.
      Select a property for decision table header
    3. Click Save.
  6. In the Credit score column, click the empty cell to enable the decision table menu options.
  7. Click Insert Column After to add a column after Credit score.
    Insert column after button
  8. Click the new heading cell to specify a condition.
    1. In the Property field, enter or select .LoanAmount.
    2. Click the Use Operator drop-down and select >.
    3. Click Save.
  9. In the if row, click an empty cell, and then click Insert Row After five times to add five else if rows.
    Insert row after button
  10. Click each cell and, in the decision table, enter the following values:
    Borrower risk adjustment decision table
  11. Click Save to save the decision table.


2 Configure the Loan rate declare expression

  1. From the App Explorer, right-click LoanRequest and click Create > Decision > Declare Expression.
  2. In the Target Property field, enter or select .LoanRate.
    Declare expression for Loan rate property
  3. Click Create and open.
  4. In the Build Expressions area, in the Value of drop-down, select Result of Decision Table.
  5. In the empty field to the right, enter or select BorrowerRiskAdjustmentTable.
    Configured declare expression for Offered rate property based on result of decision table
  6. Click Save.

3 Confirm your work

  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click Create > New > Loan Request to create a new Loan Request case instance.
  2. In the Loan amount field, enter 10000.
  3. In the Credit score field, enter 750.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. Verify that the Loan rate is 2.75%.
    Review offer of loan rate 2.75%
  6. Optional: Create additional case instances and enter different Credit score and Loan amount values. Verify that the Loan rate is consistent with the values specified in the Borrower risk adjustment decision table.

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