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Configuring organization structure

6 Tasks

15 mins

Visible to: All users
Pega Robot Manager 8.8
Robotic Process Automation
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For the next phase of the challenge, you configure a basic organizational structure for the MyTown application within Pega Robot Manager™. MyTown has a primary department with multiple sub-departments where you can route work so that users can complete QA testing using attended automations.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Create a Customer Service department that contains multiple sub-departments
  • Add users to the application manually and using the file template
  • Update users and department descriptions
  • Move a user to a different department
Note: You must complete the preceding challenges, in order, before attempting to complete this task:

The following table provides the credentials you need to complete the challenge:

Role User name Password
Robot Manager User Administrator  useradmin@mytownrm myt0wn@pp2


You must initiate your own Pega instance to complete this Challenge.

Initialization may take up to 5 minutes so please be patient.

Detailed Tasks

1 Add departments

  1. In the Pega Platform instance for the challenge, enter the following credentials: 
    1. In the User name field, enter useradmin@mytownrm.
    2. In the Password field, enter myt0wn@pp2.
  2. Switch to Dev Studio. 
  3. In the header of Dev Studio, click Launch portal > Robot Manager to open the Robot Manager portal.
  4. In the left navigation pane, select Organization > Departments.
    Navigation for Departments page
  5. On the Departments tab, click Actions > Add department to add a new top-level department to Pega Robot Manager.
    The Actions menu of Pega Robot manager with the option to add a new department.
    • In the Add new department dialog box, in the Name field, enter Customer Service.
    • In the Description field, enter Provides organization wide customer support.
    • Click Submit to add the new top-level department.
      add new department details
  6. On the Departments tab, in the Customer Service row, click the More menu and select Add sub-department
    The Departments screen of Pega Robot Manager with displayed option to add a sub-department.
    • In the Add new department dialog box, in the Name field, enter Water and Sewer.
    • In the Description field, enter Provides division level support for water and sewer.
    • Click Submit to add the new sub-department.
      add subdepartment details
  7. On the Departments tab, to the right of Water and Sewer, click the More menu to add a new sub-department.
    • In the Add new department dialog box, in the Name field, enter Water Service.
    • In the Description field, enter Provides unit level support for water service requests.
    • Click Submit to add the sub-department.
      add subdepartment details 2
  8. Repeat step 7 to add an additional sub-department. 
    • In the Add new department dialog box, in the Name field, enter Sewage Service.
    • In the Description field, enter Provides unit level support for sewage service requests.
    • Click Submit to add the sub-department.
      enter Sewage service in Robot Manager

2 Update the Customer Service department description

  1. On the Departments tab, in the Customer Service row, click the More menu and then select Edit to modify the department.
    The Departments screen of Pega Robot Manager with the option to update the organization structure.
  2. In the Edit department dialog box, in the Description field, enter Provides company wide customer support and service.
    edit department description on details page
  3. Click Submit to update the department description.
  4. Verify that the new description is displayed.
    Verify updated description

3 Import the MyTown users

  1. Create a new folder on your desktop named RobotManagerChallengeAssets.
  2.  Download the following file for importing a list of users.
  3. Extract the contents of the RobotManagerChallengeAssets zip file to the new folder.
  4. Open the MyTownRM user file and verify that it looks like the following image.
    Import users file
  5. In the left navigation pane, click Organization > Users.
    Navigation to Users page
  6. In the upper-left corner, click Actions > Import users to add the list of users by using a template file.
    import users
  7. In the Import users dialog box, click Choose File and browse to the file that you downloaded in step 2, to import into Pega Robot Manager.
  8. Click Import to add the users in the template file
    import selected file for users
  9. Click Close to close the Import users dialog box.
    close import users window
  10. Verify that the additional two users are displayed.
    Verify users in portal
Note: If necessary, clicking the Download template link opens the Import Users dialog box for the standard template when importing users. You can then modify the file to include the necessary users for your organization. 


4 Add a new user manually

  1. On the Users landing page, click Actions > Add user to manually add a new user to Pega Robot Manager.
    add new user
  2. In the First Name field, enter Alex.
  3. In the Last Name field, enter Smith.
  4. In the Email address field, enter alex.smith@mytownrm.
  5. In the Department drop-down list, expand the organization tree for Customer Service < Water and Sewer < Water Service and select Water Service.
  6. In the Role drop-down list, select Robot manager administrators.
  7. In the Identifier field, enter alexs.
  8. Click Submit.
    add new user details
  9. Verify that new user Alex Smith is displayed in the list of users.
    Verify new user

5 Modify user role

  1. On the Users landing page, click the user Alex Smith.
  2. The Users screen of Pega Robot Manager displayed to select the customer to edit.
  3. On the Alex Smith user details page, click Actions > Edit to modify the user details.
    Edit users
  4. In the Role field, enter Robot Manager runtime user
Note: The roles in the drop-down list will default to the option at the top of the list. Verify that the correct role is selected before clicking Submit.
  1. Click Submit to complete the update.
  2. In the upper-left corner, click Users to navigate back to the Users landing page.
    Select to navigate back to Users landing page
  3. Verify that Alex Smith has the Robot manager runtime user role.
    Verify updated user

6 Moving users to another department

  1. In the navigation pane, click Organization > Departments to display the Departments landing page.
  2. Expand the organizational tree to find the Water Service department.
  3. Click Water Service to open the Water Service page.
    Water service page
  4. In the Users section, select the checkbox next to the user Alex Smith and click Move.
    Move users page
  5. In the Move users dialog box, in the Move user(s) to drop-down list, select Customer Service > Water and Sewer > Sewage Service and then click Move.
    Move users Submission form
    Note: Administrators cannot assign users to the top two departments in the corporate hierarchy, so you must choose a department at least three levels down.
  6. Verify that the user is no longer visible in the Water and Sewer department list.
    Verify moved users

Confirm your work

  1. In the left navigation panel, select Organization > Departments.
  2. Verify that the Organization structure matches the setup in the following image.
    Verify Org structure
  3. In the left navigation panel, click Organization > Users.
  4. Verify the users match the information in the following image.
    Verify users final
  5.  On the Navigation panel, click the operator ID icon and then click Log off.

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