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Granting robot access and distributing work

7 Tasks

30 mins

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Pega Robot Manager 8.8
Robotic Process Automation
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To assist with providing utility services to its residents, MyTown routes all inquiries and service requests for existing customers to unattended robots to help streamline customer service.

To ensure that MyTown creates these events promptly, the MyTown developers use an application that routes the inquiries to the Inquiry work group and the services requests to the Service Request work group in Pega Robot Manager™. For the unattended robots to process the work in the correct assignment types, you must first create and configure the necessary robot registration operator IDs in Pega Platform™ and then configure decision tables in Pega Robot Manager.

Complete the following tasks for proper configuration:

  • Create new robot registration operator IDs and update the passwords. 
  • Create a new access group for the MyTownRM application with specific roles.
  • Create a new operator ID and access group for the runtime user.
  • Update the work group mapping and decision tables for both robot registration operator IDs.
Note: Complete the preceding Configuring Robot Manager challenge before attempting to complete these tasks.

The following table provides the credentials you need to complete the challenge:

Role User name Password
Robot Manager System Administrator  RMSysAdmin myt0wn@pp1

You must initiate your own Pega instance to complete this Challenge.

Initialization may take up to 5 minutes so please be patient.

Detailed Tasks

1 Create the Inquire robot registration Operator ID

  1. In the Pega Platform instance for the challenge, enter the following credentials:
    1. In the User name field, enter RMSysAdmin 
    2. In the Password field, enter myt0wn@pp1.
  2. In the navigation pane of Dev Studio , click Records > Organization > Operator ID to open the Operator ID data instances.
    The Records Explorer in Dev Studio.
  3. In the list of Operator IDs, click Create to create the first robot registration Operator ID.
    Creating a new operator ID.
  4. In the Create Operator ID form, in the Short description field, enter Inquire Robot Registration ID.
  5. In the Operator ID field, enter InquireRegID.
  6. In the upper-right corner, click Create and open to display the rule form.
    Create Operator ID.
  7. On the rule form, in the Application Access section, to the right of the Access Group field, click the Open icon.
    Open new access group.
    Note: If the Access Group field is empty, clicking the Open icon opens the Create Access Group form.

2 Create the MyTownRM:RobotRegistration access group

  1. On the Create Access Group form, in the Short Description field, enter MyTown Robot Registration AG.
  2. In the Access Group Name field, enter MyTownRM:RobotRegistration.
  3. Click Create and open to open the rule form.
    Creating the MyTownRM:RobotRegistration access group.
  4. On the MyTownRM:RobotRegistration rule form, in the Application section, in the Name field, enter or select MyTownRM.
    Select MyTown for Access Group registration.
  5. In the Version field, enter 01.01.01.
    The version of the access group.
  6. In the Available roles section, in the text box field, enter or select PegaRobotManager:RobotRegistrator.
  7. Below the text box, click Add role to add a text box field.
  8. In the text box field, enter or select PegaRULES:PegaAPI.
  9. Click Save
    The completed definition for the access group.
  10. Close the form.

3 Complete the InquireRegID Operator ID configuration

  1. On the InquireRegID operator rule form, in the Access Group field, enter or select MyTownRM:RobotRegistration to update the access group and application information.
  2. Select the radio button.
    The robot registration group.
  3. On the InquireRegID operator rule form, click the Work tab.
  4. In the Routing section, click Update.
    Updating the organizational routing.
  5. In the Update Organizational Unit window, configure the details:
    1. in the Organization list, select the organization named with six alphanumeric characters.
      Dialog box used to update organization, division, and unit.
      Note: The top organization item name might vary. Select the option that is under MyTown.
    2. In the Division list, select Div.
    3. In the Unit list, select Unit
      Choose Div, Unit
    4. Click Submit to close the window and return to the rule form.
  6. Click View organizational chart to open the organizational units available.
  7. Click on the organizational unit and drill down to verify the structure as shown in the following image.
    The organizational chart showing updated organization, division, and unit.
  8. On the InquireRegID rule form, click the Security tab.
  9. In the Access Settings section, click Update password.
  10. In the New Password field, enter InqRobot1!.
  11. In the Confirm New Password field, enter InqRobot1!, and then click Submit.
  12. In the Access Settings pane, verify that all checkboxes are cleared.
    The access settings for the organizational unit.
  13. Click Save.

4 Create the Service Request robot registration Operator ID

  1. In the InquireRegID operator rule form, click Save > Save As to create a new operator ID.
    Creating the service request robot registration.
  2. In the Short description field, enter Service Request Robot Registration ID.
  3. In the Operator ID field, enter SvcReqRegID.
  4. Click Create and open to open the SvcReqRegID rule form.
    The completed Operator ID information.
  5. In the Contact Information section, in the Full name field, enter Service Request Robot Registration ID.
  6. In the Email field, enter SvcReqRegID.
  7. Click Save
    The Service Request Robot Registration ID.
  8. On the SvcReqRegID rule form, click the Work tab.
  9. Verify the organizational unit matches the selection for the InquireRegID operator ID.
    Verifying the organizational unit.
  10. On the SvcReqRegID rule form, click the Security tab.
  11. In Access Settings section, click Update password.
  12. In the New Password field, enter SvcRobot1!.
  13. In the Confirm New Password field, enter SvcRobot1!, then click Submit to return to the rule form.
  14. Click Save, and then close the form.

5 Create the Queue Management operator ID

  1. Click the Operator ID tab. 
    Note: If you accidentally closed the Operator ID tab, click Records > Organization > Operator ID to open the list of Operator IDs.
  2. In the list of Operator IDs, click Create to create the first robot registration Operator ID.
    The list of operator IDs.
  3. On the Create Operator ID form, in the Short description field, enter Queue Robot Registration ID.
  4. In the Operator ID field, enter QueueRegID.
  5. Click Create and open to display the QueueRegID rule form.
    Short description and Operator ID of robot registration id
  6. In the Application Access section, in the Access Group field, enter MyTownRM:RuntimeUser.
  7. Select the radio button for the access group.
  8. On the QueueRegID operator rule form, click the Work tab.
  9. In the Routing section, click Update to display the Update Organizational Unit window.
    Updating the organizational routing.
  10. In the Update Organizational Unit window, configure the details:
    1. In the Organization list, select the unit that you used both InquireRegID and SvcReqRegID.
    2. In the Division list, select Div.
    3. In the Unit list, select Unit.
    4. Click Submit to close the window and return to the QueueRegID rule form.
      The dialog box for updating the organizational unit.
  11. On the QueueRegID operator rule form, click the Security tab.
  12. In the Access Settings section, click Update password:
    1. In the New Password field, enter QueRobot1!.
    2. In the Confirm New Password field, enter QueRobot1!, and then click Submit.
  13. In the Access Settings pane, verify that the selection for all checkboxes is clear.
  14. Click Save, and the close the form.

6 Remove the inherited application instance of the Work group and robot mapping

  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click Launch portal > Robot Manager to open the Robot Manager portal.
    Launch Robot Manager Portal
  2. In the navigation pane of Robot Manager, click Settings > Robot registration to display the decision tables.
    Robot registration.
  3. In the list of decision table instances, expand Work group and robot mapping
    The robot mapping.
  4. Click More > Remove , and then in the Remove configurations window, click Submit.
    Remove work group and robot mapping

    MyTown RM now inherits the values from the Pega Robot Manager decision table. 

    The Work group and robot mapping section.
  5. Collapse the Work group and robot mapping section. 

7 Update the work group and requestor mapping

  1. In the list of decision tables, expand Work group and requestor mapping, and then click More > Edit.
    Work group and requestor mapping.
  2. In the Robot Manager system administrator row, click the Edit icon.
    The Work group and requestor mapping window is displayed. 
    Editing the Robot Manager system administrator.
  3. In the Requestor Identifier field, enter InquireRegID, and then click Submit.
    Updating the Requestor Identifier.
  4. In the Default work group section, click the Edit icon.
  5. In the Default work group window, in the Work group identifier field, enter Service Request WG@MyTownRM, and then click Submit.
    The  Default work group window.
  6. Click Save

Confirm your work

  1. Return to your Pega Platform instance.
  2. In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click the Operator ID tab.
  3. In the upper-left, click Refresh, and verify that the InquireRegID, SvcReqRegID, and QueueRegID operators are displayed, in the list of operator IDs as shown in the following figure:
    View new Operator IDs
  4. In the Dev Studio header, click Launch portal > Robot Manager to open the Robot Manager portal if it was closed in the previous step.
  5. In the navigation pane of Robot Manager, click Settings > Robot registration to display the decision table mappings.
  6. Verify the decision table mappings:
    1. Confirm that the Work group and robot mapping section is empty.
    2. Confirm that the Work group and requestor mapping section contains the Inquire Robot Registration ID requestor with a mapping to the  Inquiry WG work group, and then confirm that the default work group is Service Request WG.
      Final mapping settings.
  1. On the Navigation panel, click the operator ID icon and then click Log off.

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