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Creating and using action suppression rules


4 Tasks

15 mins

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Pega Customer Decision Hub 8.5
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U+ Bank has recently introduced a few credit card offers that are presented to customers based on a set of engagement policy conditions.

Now, the business wants to prevent overexposure of any one action or group of actions. Overexposure negatively impacts the customer experience and prevents customers from viewing other offers for which they might qualify.

To prevent overexposure, the business wants to implement the following rules:

  • If a customer has the same offer three times in the past seven days, do not show the same offer to that customer for the next 10 days.
  • If a customer has clicked on any of the credit card offers twice in the past seven days, do not show any credit card offers to that customer for the next 10 days.

Use the following credentials to log in to the exercise system:


User name


Decisioning Analyst



Caution: To reuse the exercise system from a previous challenge, first complete Creating persona test cases challenge. Otherwise, click Initialize Pega or Reset Instance in this challenge.

Your assignment consists of the following tasks:

Task 1: Define contact polices and suppression rules

In the Next-Best-Action Designer > Constraint tab, under Contact policy library, define the action-level and group-level contact policies and suppression rules, per the business requirement.

Task 2: Add the contact policies to the Creditcards group engagement policy

In the Next-Best-Action Designer > Engagement policy tab, add the new contact policies to the CreditCards group.

Task 3: Check the interaction history reports to view current customer interactions

In the Interaction History, examine the entries and make note of the number of Impressions and clicks for each of the actions for each customer. 

Task 4: Verify the contact policy implementation by logging in to the U+ Bank website

Log in to the U+ Bank website as Joanna to verify that the configured contact policies work as designed.

Note: Check the Reports > Interaction History > Recent Interactions to see the number of Impressions and Clicks for all customers. The customer IDs, shown as Subject ID, for Troy, Barbara, Joanna, and Robert, are 14, 15, 16, and 17, respectively.
Defining suppression rules

Challenge Walkthrough

Detailed Tasks

1 Define contact polices and suppression rules

  1. Log in as a Decisioning Analyst with User name CDHAnalyst and Password rules.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click Next-Best-Action > Designer.
  3. Click the Constraints tab to view the existing contact limits and policies.
  4. In the Constraints tab, click Edit to add new contact polices.
    C_Suppression rules
  5. In the Contact policy library, click Add contact policy to add a new action-level contact policy to the library.
    Creating and using Action suppression rules
  6. In the Add contact policy window, enter the following information:
    1. Name: 7-day action impressions
    2. Scope: Track Impressions for the action within the past 7 days
      C_Suppression rules
  7. Click Submit to add the new contact policy to the library.
  8. In the Contact policy library, in the 7-day action impressions contact policy, define the following suppression rule:
    If there are 3 Impressions for Web treatments, suppress the action for 10 days
    C_Suppression rules
  9. In the Contact policy library, click Add contact policy to add a new group-level contact policy to the library.
  10. In the Add contact policy window, enter the following information:
    1. Name: 7-day group clicks
    2. Scope: Track Clicks for all actions in the group within the past 7 days
      C_Suppression rules
  11. Click Submit to add the new contact policy to the library.
  12. In the Contact policy library, in the 7-day group clicks contact policy, define the following suppression rule:
    If there are 2 Clicks for Web Treatments, suppress the action for 10 days
    C_Suppression rules
  13. In the Constraints tab, click Save to save the newly created contact policies.
    C_Suppression rules


2 Add the contact policies to the creditcards group engagement policy

  1. In Next-Best-Action Designer, click Engagement policy.
  2. In the Business structure, click the CreditCards Group to view the current engagement policy for the group.
    Creating and using Action suppression rules
  3. Click Edit to edit the CreditCards group engagement policy.
    Creating and using Action suppression rules
  4. In the Sales / CreditCards Engagement policy, to the right of the Contact policy, click the Gear icon to configure contact policy of the group.
    C_Suppression rules
  5. In the Configure contact policy window, to the right of both contact policies, click Add to add each policy to the CreditCards group.
    C_Suppression rules
  6. Click Apply to confirm the selection.
  7. In the Sales / CreditCards Engagement policy, click Save to save the changes to the group configuration.
    Creating and using Action suppression rules

3 Check the interaction history reports to view current customer interactions

  1. In the Customer Decision Hub portal, in the upper-right corner, click the Reports icon, and then select Interaction History.
    C_Suppression rules
  2. In the Interaction History, click the Recent interactions tab to view recent customer interactions.
  3. Examine the entries and make a note of the number of Impressions and Clicks for each of the Actions for each of the customers.

    The column Subject ID contains the subject ID, which for Troy, Barbara, Joanna, and Robert are 14, 15, 16, and 17 respectively. Joanna does not have entries when you log in for the first time. You can return to this report after every interaction to check the latest interactions.

    C_Suppression rules

4 Verify the contact policy implementation by logging in to the U+ Bank website

  1. From the Exercise System landing page, click U+ Bank to launch the U+ Bank website.
    C_Suppression rules
  2. On the U+ Bank website home page, in the upper-right corner, click Log in to log in as a customer.
  3. Log in as Joanna. Either the Premier Rewards or the Rewards Plus offer, the two offers for which she qualifies, are presented.
  4. Click Learn more to record a click.
  5. Log back in, but do not click. Repeat this step a few more times until you have seen one of the offers for the third time.
Tip: You can check the Interaction History report to keep track of customer interactions.
  1. Notice that when the Impressions count for Joanna on one of the offers reaches 3, the 7-day action impressions suppression rule prevents that offer from showing to Joanna the next time.
  2. Log out and log back in. The offer that Joanna has seen three times is not presented. The other offer is presented.
  3. Click Learn more to record a second click.
  4. Notice that after this interaction, the total number of Clicks by Joanna for the Creditcards group has reached 2. The 7-day group clicks suppression rule prevents the credit card offers from displaying to Joanna the next time.
  5. Log back in (for the sixth time). No credit card offers are displayed.

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