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Defining customer engagement policies


4 Tasks

15 mins

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Pega Customer Decision Hub 8.5
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U+ Bank has recently completed a pilot project where customers see a single offer, the Standard card offer, when they log in to their account page on the bank website.

The business team now wants to introduce three more credit card offers and implement some engagement policies to ensure that the customers get only tailored relevant offers.

Following Pega best practices, the business team has classified the engagement policies into three groups:

  • Eligibility rules, which are strict rules representing what it is possible to offer.
  • Applicability rules, which represent business practices that limit what to offer based on a customer’s current situation. These are not as strict as eligibility rules.
  • Suitability rules, which represent what the business should and should not do ethically and empathetically. These are the least strict rules.

Some of the criteria apply to the entire Credit Card group, and some apply to specific actions. Here are the detailed requirements:

Action Type Condition: Customer…
All credit cards Eligibility is a valid U+ Bank customer
All credit cards Eligibility is at least 18 years or older
All credit cards Applicability does not have a credit card
Standard & Rewards Eligibility has recently onboarded
Rewards Plus & Premier Rewards Suitability has a credit score greater than 400

Use the following credentials to log in to the exercise system:

Role User name Password
Decisioning Analyst CDHAnalyst rules
Caution: To reuse the exercise system from a previous challenge, first complete the Loading actions and treatments from file challenge. Otherwise, click Initialize Pega or Reset Instance in this challenge.

Your assignment consists of the following tasks:

Task 1: Define group-level eligibility conditions

Define the eligibility conditions at the group level, per the business requirements. The following table provides the information you need to define the conditions.

Action Condition: Customer… Property
All credit cards is a valid U+ Bank customer isCustomer is true
All credit cards is at least 18 years or older Age >= 18

Task 2: Define group-level applicability conditions

Define the applicability condition at the group level, per the business requirement. The following table provides the information you need to define the conditions.

Action Condition: Customer… Property
All credit cards does not have a credit card Has Cards = N

Task 3: Define action-level engagement policy conditions

Define the engagement policy conditions at the action level, per the business requirements. The following table provides the information you need to define the conditions.

Action Condition: Customer… Property
Standard & Rewards has recently onboarded LifeCyclePeriod = Onboard
Rewards Plus & Premier Rewards has a credit score greater than 400 CreditScore > 400

Task 4: Verify that customers Troy and Barbara get the right offers per their profiles

Verify that customers Troy and Barbara get the right offers per their profiles. Use the information in the following tables for verification.

Customer isCustomer Age Has Cards LifeCyclePeriod CreditScore
Troy true 26 N Onboard 200
Barbara true 32 N Retain 450
Customer Standard Rewards Rewards Plus Premier Rewards
Troy Y Y    
Barbara     Y Y

Challenge Walkthrough

Detailed Tasks

1 Define group-level eligibility conditions

  1. Log in as a Decisioning Analyst with user name CDHAnalyst and password rules.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click Next-Best-Action > Designer.
    NBA Designer navigation
  3. Click Engagement policy.
  4. In the Business structure section, click the CreditCards group to view the engagement policy for the group.
    Defining Customer Engagement Policies
  5. Click Edit to edit the engagement policy of the group.
    Defining Customer Engagement Policies
  6. In the Eligibility section of the engagement policy, click the Add icon to begin defining the group-level eligibility conditions.
    Add eligibility
    1. In the first drop-down list, ensure that Customer is selected.
    2. In the second drop-down list, enter the property name isCustomer or click to expand Fields to select it from the list.
    3. In the third drop-down list, select is true.
  7. Click the Add icon to add a second row where you can define the second condition.
    Defining Customer Engagement Policies
  8. Define the second condition: Age is greater than or equal to 18
    Defining Customer Engagement Policies

2 Define group-level applicability conditions

  1. While still in the edit mode of the engagement policy, define the Applicability condition: Has Cards is equal to N
    Tip: Instead of typing in the value, you can use the Gear icon > Existing values option to select a valid value.
    Defining Customer Engagement Policies
    selecting values
    existing values
    Defining Customer Engagement Policies
  2. Click Save to save the group-level engagement policy.
    save engagement policy

3 Define action-level engagement policy conditions

  1. In the Next-Best-Action Designer Engagement policy tab, scroll down to the Offers section.
  2. In the Offers section, click Standard card to open the card offer details.
  3. In the upper right, click Check out to check out the group-level conditions.
  4. Click the Engagement policy tab to define the action-specific engagement policy.
    In the Engagement Policy tab, notice that the group-level engagement policy is visible.
    Defining Customer Engagement Policies
  5. In the Eligibility section, click Add criteria to add the action-specific eligibility criteria.
    Defining Customer Engagement Policies
  6. Similar to the group-level condition, enter the following condition: LifeCyclePeriod is equal to Onboard
    Defining Customer Engagement Policies
  7. In the action, click Check in to save the changes and provide a suitable comment when prompted.
  8. Close the action to return to the Next-Best-Action Designer.
  9. Back in the Engagement policy tab of the Next-Best-Action Designer, click Actions > Refresh.
    refresh engagement policy tab
    Action-level condition seen in engagement policy tab
  10. Repeat the steps 1-9 to define engagement policies for the other actions. Use the information in the following tables:
    Action Type Condition: Customer…
    Standard & Rewards Eligibility has recently onboarded
    Rewards Plus & Premier Rewards Suitability has a credit score greater than 400
    Condition: Customer… Property
    has a credit score greater than 400 CreditScore > 400
    Note: For Rewards Plus and Premier Rewards cards, use suitability rules for the Engagement Policy.

4 Verify that customers Troy and Barbara get the right offers per their profiles

  1. From the landing page of the exercise system, click U+ Bank to open the website.
    Exercise system landing page CDH
  2. On the main page of the website, on the top right, click Log in to log in as a customer.
  3. Log in as Troy, and then log out.
  4. Log in as Barbara.
  5. Verify that both Troy and Barbara see the correct offer based on the defined engagement policy. Use the information in the following tables for verification.
    Customer isCustomer Age Has Cards LifeCyclePeriod CreditScore
    Troy true 26 N Onboard 200
    Barbara true 32 N Retain 450
    Customer Standard Rewards Rewards Plus Premier Rewards
    Troy Y Y    
    Barbara     Y Y

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