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Exploring cross-sell on the web

3 Tasks

20 mins

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Pega Customer Decision Hub '23
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U+ Bank recently completed a project where customers who log in to their account page see credit card offers.
After login to the U+ Bank website, customers see the offers that they qualify for based on the engagement policies defined by the business.
The business team has classified the engagement policies into three groups:

  • Eligibility rules, which are the "hard" rules representing what is even possible to offer.
  • Applicability rules, which represent business practices that limit what to offer based on a customer's current situation but are not as "hard" as Eligibility.
  • Suitability rules, which are rules that are the least "hard" but represent what the business should and should not do ethically and empathetically.

Some of the criteria apply to the entire credit card group, and some apply to specific actions. The following table contains the list of the detailed requirements to implement:

Action Type Condition: Customer...

All credit cards


is at least 18 years old or older

All credit cards


does not have a credit card

Standard & Rewards


has been a customer for a maximum of 90 days

Rewards Plus & Premier Rewards


Is not financially vulnerable

Use the following credentials to log in to the exercise system:

Role User name Password
Decisioning Architect DecisioningArchitect rules

Your assignment consists of the following tasks:

Task 1: Verify offers on the U+ website

Explore the behavior of the website and verify that customers Troy and Barbara receive the correct offers based on their profiles. Use the information in the following tables for verification.

Customer Is Customer Debt-To-Income ratio Age Relationship Length Count of Credit Card Accounts Is Financially Vulnerable















Task 2: Observe the profile of customer Troy

Analyze a customer profile and interactions in Customer Profile Viewer.

Task 3: Review the Next-Best-Action Designer configurations

Review the artifacts created in the portal of Pega Customer Decision Hub™ and the configurations created in the Next-Best-Action Designer:

  1. The Engagement policy tab of Next-Best-Action Designer, where all engagement policy rules are defined.
  2. The set of Actions and Treatments created for the Credit cards group, including the specialized engagement rules like applicability and suitability.
  3. The Arbitration tab and Channels tab of Next-Best-Action Designer.


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Challenge Walkthrough

Detailed Tasks

1 Verify offers on the U+ website.

  1. On the Exercise System landing page, in the upper-left, select the Application Switcher and click the U+ Bank icon to open the website.
  2. On the main page of the website, in the upper right, click Log in to log in as a customer.
  3. In the Username field, ensure that Troy is selected.
  4. Click Sign in to log in as Troy:
    Login Ubank as Troy
    Note: Initially, it takes time for the offer banner to display on the website. This delay occurs only on the first login. Loading of the offer is faster on subsequent logins.
  1. Observe that either Standard card or Rewards card offer banner is displayed. This is the web treatment tile that is associated with the respective action:
    Rewards card tile
  2. In the upper right, click the profile image, and then select Log out:
    Logout as Troy
  3. Repeat steps 2-5 to log in as Barbara to verify that she sees an offer that is correct as per the engagement policy defined. Use the information in the following table for verification:


    Is Customer

    Debt-To-Income ratio


    Relationship Length

    Count of Credit Card Accounts

    Is Financially Vulnerable















    Note: Due to the engagement rules defined in the system, the following offers are valid for each of the customers. When you log in as a customer, one of these offers is presented.




    Rewards Plus

    Premier Rewards









    Note: Both the customers Troy and Barbara are over the age of 18 and do not own a credit card; they satisfy the generic credit card eligibility and applicability criteria.
    Troy does not see the Rewards Plus and Premier Rewards card offers because these offers are unsuitable as he is financially vulnerable.
    Barbara does not see the Standard and Rewards card offers as her relationship with the bank is 364 days, which does not satisfy the eligibility condition of Relationship length less than or equal to 90 days.

2 Observe the profile of customer Troy

  1. On the exercise system landing page, click Pega InfinityTMto log in to Customer Decision Hub:
  2. Log in to Customer Decision Hub as a Decisioning Architect:
    1. In the User name field, enter DecisioningArchitect.
    2. In the Password field, enter rules.
  3. On the top right, click the Reports icon and click Customer Profile Viewer:
    CPV icon click
  4. In the Type list, select Customer name, enter or select Troy Murphy, and click View to search for Troy's profile:
    SPV Troy profile search
  5. Observe details of Troy like Customer ID, Email address, and risk profile:
  6. Under the Overview tab, you can see the current state of the customer Troy:
    Customer profile overview
    1. In the Demographics section, are the details of the customer that are relevant to business purposes, such as gender, age, and income:
      Customer demographics overview
    2. In the Customer journeys section, confirm that the message No active journey for this customer is displayed:
      Customer journeys overview
      Note: Customer journeys are a sum of the experiences that your customers go through when interacting with your organization. Because the customer is currently not in any journey, the message is displayed.
    3. In the Suppressed actions section, as there are no suppressed actions as of now, you can see a message No suppressed actions for this customer:
  1. In the Recent interactions section, you can see that Troy received a Rewards card offer.
    Card displayed for Troy
    Note: In task 1, you logged in once as Troy and received a Rewards card. The same is reflected here in the Recent interactions section.
  1. Click the interaction you see in the Recent interactions.
  2. Observe all the details of that interaction like priority, propensity, and interaction time.
    Card details for Troy
  3. Close the Interaction details dialog box.
  4. In Customer Profile Viewer profile of Troy, click the Next best actions tab to check the propensity.
  5. In Next best actions tab, select the Web Inbound Channel context and click Make decision to see the decision table.
    WebInbound channel context make decision
    Note: When you select Web Inbound channel context, the Direction, Channel, and Real-time container fields get auto-populated. Instead of selecting Web Inbound channel context, you can also complete the Direction, Channel, and Real-time container fields manually.
  1. Confirm that Troy is eligible for two credit cards: Standard card and Rewards card.
    Passed Standard and Rewards cards
    Note: The rank of the Rewards card is higher than the Standard card; as a result, the Rewards card is displayed as a top offer for Troy.

3 Review the Next-Best-Action Designer configurations

  1. In the navigation pane of Customer Decision Hub, click Next-Best-Action > Designer to open the Next-Best-Action Designer.
    NBA Designer
  2. In the Next-Best-Action Designer, click Engagement policy.
  3. In the Business structure area, in the Grow section, click Credit cards issue to view the engagement policy for the group.
    Grow CreditCards
  4. Expand Customer actions.
  5. Confirm that the eligibility and applicability rules are displayed.
    Group level engagement policy conditions
  6. In the Actions section, four actions are configured with specialized policies, as shown in the following image:
    List of actions
  7. In the Actions section, click Standard card to see the action details.
  8. In the Standard card action form, click the Engagement Policy tab.
    Eng policy tab in card
  9. In the Eligibility section, in the Inherited from condition, confirm that:
    1. There are 2 high-level eligibility criteria set for All actions:
      Eligibility conditions check
    2. There are 2 conditions set for Customer actions:
      Eligibility conditions check 2
      Note: You can define actions at different levels depending on the customer data model. In this Financial Services example, there are two entities on which you can define actions: Customer and Account. For the purpose of this exercise, you only see actions defined at Customer level.
  1. In the Applicability section, verify that the Count of Credit Card accounts is equal to zero which means that the customer does not have an active credit card.
    action level applicability condition
  2. In the Suitability section verify that there is a general condition set for All actions, which ensures some empathy with the customer is considered:
    suitability check
  3. Click the Treatments tab.
    treatment tab in card - Troy
  4. Expand the Standard card tile treatment and verify that one treatment is defined for the Standard card action, as shown in the following image:
    standard card treatment
  5. Close the Standard card action.
  6. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for the Rewards Plus card, and optionally for the other cards too.
    action level suitability conditions
    Note: Notice the correct applicability and suitability are defined. For example, Rewards Plus and Premier Rewards actions are suitable if the customer is not financially vulnerable.
  1. Close the action and return to NBA Designer.
  2. In the Next-Best-Action Designer, click the Arbitration tab and verify that the final priority is determined using all four arbitration factors: Propensity, Context weighting, Business value and Business levers:
    Arbitration factors active
  3. Click the Channels tab.
    1. Confirm that the Web channel is listed in Active Channels.
      channels - list
    2. Verify that four real-time containers are configured:
      • The NextBestAction real-time container points to all the groups of All Issues.
      • The CreditCards real-time container points to the Credit cards group of the Grow issue.
      • The TopOffers real time container points to all the groups of the Grow issue.
      • The Collections real-time container points to all groups of the Collections issue.
        Real time containers configured

Confirm your work


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