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Exploring decisions in Customer Decision Hub

4 Tasks

10 mins

Visible to: All users
Pega Customer Decision Hub '24.2


U+ Bank uses Pega Customer Decision Hub™ to decide which one of four credit card offers to show in a web banner when a customer logs in to the U+ Bank website. Customer Decision Hub determines the offer with the highest priority based on engagement policies and AI that calculates the likelihood that the customer is interested in the offer. The business team has defined the engagement policies in Next-Best-Action designer. Some criteria apply to the entire credit card group, and some apply to specific actions.

Action Type Condition: Customer...

All credit cards


is at least 18 years old or older

All credit cards


does not have a credit card

Standard & Rewards


has been a customer for a maximum of 90 days

Rewards Plus & Premier Rewards


Is not financially vulnerable

Use the following credentials to log in to the exercise system:

Role User name Password
Data Scientist DataScientist rules

Your assignment consists of the following tasks:

Task 1: Generate a customer interaction on the U+Bank website

Log in as the customer Barbara, take note of the offer she receives, and inspect the offer details.

Task 2: Review the engagement rules in Next-Best-Action Designer

In Next-Best-Action Designer, explore the U+ Bank engagement policies for the credit card offer that Barbara received on the website.

Relevant customer fields:

Customer Debt-To-Income ratio Age Relationship Length Count of Credit Card Accounts Is Financially Vulnerable







Task 3: Confirm that propensity is active in arbitration

In the Arbitration section of Next-Best-Action Designer, confirm that propensity is active to ensure that the arbitration process uses AI to select the top action.

Task 4: Inspect the profile of customer Barbara

In Customer Profile Viewer, make a Next-Best-Action decision for Barbara, and review the customer fields that are the most influential predictors that the AI uses to calculate propensities for Barbara.


You must initiate your own Pega instance to complete this Challenge.

Initialization may take up to 5 minutes so please be patient.

Challenge Walkthrough

Detailed Tasks

1 Generate a customer interaction on the U+Bank website.

  1. On the Exercise System landing page, in the upper-left corner, select the Application Switcher and click the U+ Bank icon to open the website.
  2. On the main page of the website, in the upper-right corner, click Log in to log in as a customer:
    1. In the Username field, select Barbara.
    2. Click Sign in to log in as Barbara.
      Login Barbara
  3. Observe that either the Rewards Plus card or the Premier Rewards card offer is displayed in the web banner, but do not click on the offer.
  4. Click the Polaris icon on the web banner to inspect the details of the offer.
    Credit card offer
  5. Inspect the Propensity value that the AI calculates and the Priority value that Customer Decision Hub uses to determine the top action.
    Propensity and Priority
  6. In the upper-right corner, click the profile image, and then select Log out.

2 Review the engagement rules in Next-Best-Action Designer

  1. In the upper-left corner, select the Application Switcher and click the Pega Infinity™ icon to open Customer Decision Hub.
  2. Log in to Customer Decision Hub as a Data Scientist:
    1. In the User name field, enter DataScientist.
    2. In the Password field, enter rules.
  3. In the navigation pane of Customer Decision Hub, click Next-Best-Action > Designer to open Next-Best-Action Designer.
  4. In Next-Best-Action Designer, click the Engagement policy tile.
  5. In the Business structure area, in the Grow section, click Credit cards issue to view the engagement policy for the group.
  6. Expand Customer actions, and then inspect the eligibility and applicability requirements of the Credit cards group.
    The eligibility and applicability requirements of the Credit cards
  7. In the Actions section, confirm that four actions are configured with specialized policies.
    List of actions
  8. In the Actions section, click the card offer that Barbara received on the U+ Bank website, for example the Premier Rewards card, to see the action details.
  9. In the action form, click the Engagement Policy tab.
  10. In the Eligibility section, in the Inherited from condition, confirm that the group level eligibility rule for customer actions is Age is greater than or equal to 18.
    The group level eligibility rule
  11. In the Applicability section, in the Inherited from condition, confirm that the group-level applicability rule for customer actions is Count of Credit Card accounts is equal to zero, which means that the customer does not have an active credit card.
    The group-level applicability rule
  12. In the Suitability section, in the Inherited from condition, confirm that the group level suitability rule for all actions is Debt-to-Income ratio is less than or equal to 48 and that the action level eligibility rule is Is financially vulnerable is false.
    The action level eligibility rule
  13. Confirm that Barbara meets all eligibility, applicability, and suitability criteria for this credit card offer.
    Relevant customer fields:
    Customer Debt-To-Income ratio Age Relationship Length Count of Credit Card Accounts Is Financially Vulnerable







  1. Close the action form to return to Next-Best-Action Designer.

3 Confirm that propensity is active in arbitration

  1. In the Next-Best-Action Designer, click the Arbitration tab to inspect the arbitration formula.
  2. Verify that Customer Decision Hub uses Propensity to determine the final priority.
    The arbitration settings

4 Inspect the profile of customer Barbara

  1. In the upper-right corner of Customer Decision Hub, click the Reports icon, and then click Customer Profile Viewer.
    Navigate to CPV
  2. In the Customer Profile Viewer window, in the Type field, select Customer name.
  3. In the Customer name field, enter Barbara, select Barbara Stockton, and then click View.
  4. In the Recent interactions section, confirm that Barbara received a credit card offer.
    Recent interactions
    Note: This reflects that Barbara logged into the U+Bank website in task 1.
  1. In Barbara's profile, click the Next best actions tab, and then set up the details to make a decision for Barbara:
    1. In the Channel Context list, select Web Inbound.
    2. Confirm that Standard mode is selected to show only decision results that will be presented to a customer, and then click Make decision.
      Standard mode is the default setting
  2. Verify that Barbara is eligible for the Rewards Plus card and the Premier Rewards card. The ranking of the cards depends on the priority value.
    Ranking of the cards for Barbara
    Tip: Improve your understanding of the results with the help of the AI Insight feature. Make a second decision to utilizing this feature, and gain insights into how engagement policies are being used, as well as the reasons why customers may not be receiving a particular action. With this information, businesses can optimize their strategies and provide more effective experiences for their customers.
  1. Click Default > Explain propensity.
    Explain propensity
  2. Notice that the Model propensity values are not identical to the Final propensity values.
    Model and Final propensity values are not identical
    Note: When models are immature, the system adds noise to the propensity. As the number of responses increases over time, the noise decreases, and the final propensity becomes closer to the propensity value of the raw model.
  1. In the row for the card with the highest rank, in the Final propensity column, click the Graph icon to view the propensity details.
    Click through for predictor influence
  2. In the Propensity details window, take note of the following information:
    1. The value in the Final propensity section.
    2. The predictors that contribute to the increase (in green) and decrease (in red) of the propensity for Barbara.
      Predictor analysis Rewards Plus
  3. In the row for the second card, in the Final propensity column, click the Graph icon to view the propensity details.
  4. In the Propensity details window, confirm the following information:
    1. The lower value of the Final propensity section when compared to the higher ranking card.
    2. The predictors that contribute to the increase and decrease in the propensity for this offer to Barbara.
      Property analysis for Premier Rewards

This Challenge is to practice what you learned in the following Module:

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