Loading actions and treatments from file
4 Tasks
10 mins
Pega Customer Decision Hub 8.7
U+ Bank recently completed a pilot project to show an offer, the Standard credit card, to all customers who log in to their account page on the website.
The business team now wants to introduce three more credit card offers and corresponding treatments. The intention is to show different offers to different customers, depending on various business rules.
The business team has provided the list of actions and treatments in a CSV file.
Use the following credentials to log in to the exercise system:
Role |
User name |
Password |
Decisioning Architect |
DecisioningArchitect |
rules |
Your assignment consists of the following tasks:
Task 1: Download the Exercise Artifacts file and extract the .csv files
Download the Exercise Artifacts file, and then extract Grow_CreditCards.csv and Web_Treatments.csv to a local drive on your computer.
Task 2: Import the new treatments
Import the new treatments (that correspond to the new actions) from Web_Treatments.csv to Pega Customer Decision Hub™.
Task 3: Import the new actions
Import the new actions from Grow_CreditCards.csv to Customer Decision Hub.
Task 4: Map the treatments to the corresponding actions
Map the treatments to the corresponding actions:
Action |
Treatment |
Premier Rewards card |
Premier Rewards card tile |
Rewards Plus card |
Rewards Plus card tile |
Rewards card |
Rewards card tile |
Challenge Walkthrough
Detailed Tasks
1 Download the Exercise Artifacts file extract the .csv files
- Download the Exercise Artifacts file and extract the two files, Grow_CreditCards.csv and Web_Treatments.csv to a local drive on your computer.
2 Import the new treatments
- On the exercise system landing page, click Pega CRM suite.
- Log in as the Decisioning Architect with user name DecisioningArchitect and password rules.
- In the navigation pane on the left, click Content > Treatments.
- On the Treatments landing page, click the Web tab.
- On the Web tab, click Manage treatments to manage the web treatments.
- Click Export to download the treatments CSV template.
Note: To ensure that you align with the required data, you must first export the CSV template, copy over the data from the reference file, and then import the updated CSV template.
- Copy the treatments data from the Web_Treatments.csv file to the treatments CSV template that you downloaded in step 6.
Note: Ensure that you map the treatment data to the correct columns when you copy and paste.
- On the Decision Data: Web Treatments landing page, in the upper-right corner, click Check out to enable adding and deletion of web treatments.
Note: For Business as Usual (BAU), it is recommended to add treatment by treatment without checking out the entire treatment Decision Data Record (DDR). Checking out a treatment can negatively impact other business users who are working on individual treatments, and can lead to mistakes such as overriding previous user changes with the Import/Export functionality. Use the Check out action only when the business is okay with blocking other users' treatment work.
- On the Edit Decision Data: WebTreatments landing page, click Import to import the web treatments in bulk.
- In the Import data window, click Choose File, and then select the treatments CSV template file that you updated with the treatment data in step 7.
- Click Load to load the web treatments from the file.
- Review the message and ensure that three records were added, one was modified, and none deleted, and then click Import to confirm the import of the treatments.
- On the Edit Decision Data: WebTreatments landing page, ensure that there are now four web treatments in total.
- In the upper-right corner of the Edit Decision Data: WebTreatments landing page, click Check in to save the changes to Decision Data: Web Treatments.
- Enter a suitable check-in comment when prompted. For example, Imported 3 new Treatments.
- In the upper-right corner of the Decision Data: WebTreatments landing page, click the Close icon.
- In the upper-right corner of the Treatments landing page, click the refresh icon to see the new treatments.
3 Import the new actions
- In the navigation pane on the left of the Treatments landing page, click Content > Actions.
- On the Actions landing page, click the Issue / Group field to expand the search filters.
- In the Issue field, select Grow, and in the Group field, select Credit cards.
- Click Apply.
- Click View to view the selected actions.
- Click Export CSV file to download the import actions CSV template.
Note: To ensure that you align with the required data, you must first export the CSV template, copy over the data from the reference file, and then import the updated CSV template.
- Copy the action data from the Grow_Creditcards.csv file to the actions CSV template you just downloaded.
Note: Ensure that you map the actions data to the correct columns when you copy and paste.
- On the Actions landing page, in the upper-right corner, click Create > Actions from file.
- In the Create actions from file window, in the Issue / Group field, select Grow / CreditCards.
- Click Select File and then select the actions CSV template file that you updated with the action data in step 7.
- Click Import to import the actions from the actions CSV template you updated.
- In the Summary, ensure that four actions were added or updated, and then click Finish to confirm the import of the actions.
- On the Actions landing page, ensure that the Issue / Group field is set to Grow / Creditcards, and then click View to view the newly imported actions.
- Verify that there are four actions.
4 Map the treatments to the corresponding actions
- On the Actions landing page, click Premier Rewards card to open the offer.
- On the Action: Premier Rewards card landing page, in the upper-right corner, click Check out to make changes.
- Click the Treatments tab to map the new treatment.
- On the Treatments tab, click Add channel > Web to add a new treatment.
- In the Configure Web Treatment window, in the Premier Rewards card tile row, click Add.
- Click Apply to confirm your selection.
- On the Edit Action: Premier Rewards card landing page, in the upper-right corner, click Check in to save changes to the action.
- Provide a suitable comment when prompted, for example, Added web treatment, and then click Check in.
- Repeat steps 1-7 to map the corresponding treatments for Rewards Plus card and Rewards card actions. Use the following table for mapping information.
Premier Rewards card
Premier Rewards card tile
Rewards Plus card
Rewards Plus card tile
Rewards card
Rewards card tile
This Challenge is to practice what you learned in the following Module:
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