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Updating a dialog

2 Tasks

15 mins

Visible to: All users
Pega Customer Service 8.7
Agent Desktop
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As a manager, you want customer service agents to have more of a personal touch when communicating with customers. You want agents to use the customer's first name when making an address change.

Role User name Password
Customer Service Manager csmanager password123!

Your assignment consists of the following tasks:

Task 1: Run the Address change service case

Start an interaction and run the Address change service case.

Task 2: Update the dialog

Use the Configuration Tools to update the dialog to add the first name to the dialog.


You must initiate your own Pega instance to complete this Challenge.

Initialization may take up to 5 minutes so please be patient.

Challenge Walkthrough

Detailed Tasks

1 Run the Address Change service case

  1. Log into the Pega Customer Service Interaction Portal with the user name csmanager and password password123!.
  2. Click Preview to launch the Interaction Portal.
  3. In the header of Pega Customer Service, click New > Demo Screen Pops > Demo Pop - CONNOR to simulate a phone call.
    initiate call
  4. Click Accept to accept the incoming call.
    accept call
  5. On the Interaction Portal, click Add task.
  6. Double-click the Address change service case to access the address details.
    add address change task

2 Update the dialog

  1. In the Address Change service case, click the Other actions icon, and then select Configuration tools to access the Configuration tools dialog box.
    configuration tools
  2. In the Configuration tools dialog box, click the Edit icon to modify the dialog of the interaction.
  3. Modify the dialog to add the customer's first name at the beginning of the dialog.
    1. In the Refer to list, select Contact to choose the category of properties.
    2. In the Attribute list, select First name to personalize the dialog.
    3. Click Insert to add the attribute.
      change attribute
  4. Click Save to save your change.
  5. In the upper-right corner, click Close icon to close the Configuration tools dialog box.
  6. Verify that the first name is now displayed in the existing dialog.
    see attribute added

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