Start your Microjourney by giving the personas that you create access to relevant portals and pages. By defining different types of access, you can monitor the actions that your team performs. For example, you can ensure that only the personas that represent managers can access the Case Manager portal.
By default, a persona has access to all pages in your application.-
In the navigation pane of App Studio, click Users, and then click Access.
Locate the column of a persona that you want to edit.
In the Portals section, in the Default channel row, in the list, select a default portal for the persona.
A user that you associate with the persona sees the default channel every time they log in to your application.
- Optional:
To provide access to more channels, in the row that contains another channel, select one or more check boxes.
In the Pages section, select the check boxes for the pages that you want to be available for the user with the associated role.
Beispiel: If you select the A new case type, Documents, and Reports pages for a role, the users with this role can access only these pages. -
Click Save.
- Defining areas of expertise for a team
As a team manager, define areas of expertise for your team to ensure that your application routes assignments to users with relevant skills.