Pega Cosmos full case page anatomy
The Pega Cosmos design system offers critical information to users at-a-glance.
Summary panel
The summary panel contains critical information about the case. The size and shape are purposefully similar to a mobile device. The placement of the summary panel ensures that the most critical information of the record is displayed in the upper left of the screen. Users who read left-to-right instinctively look to the upper left of the screen to understand their context and get their bearings on any new screen.
Work area
The middle of the screen is the Work area. The case life cycle, followed by a list of assignments relevant to the case and the user, is at the top of the Work area. Under the assignments section, an activity feed displays the completed tasks, collaboration, notes, and all activities related to the case. You can modify the Work area tabs on the left to change the view, presenting additional data as needed.
Utilities and Global navigation ribbon
The utilities, which help users work the case, are on the right, and the global navigation ribbon is on the far left. All navigation elements are contained within a single global navigation component instead of the traditional application header. This moves the work upward, which is a more efficient use of screen real estate.
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