Pega Robot Studio IDE basics
Integrated Development Environment
Pega Robotics Studio works within the Microsoft Visual Studio design environment. With either the standalone or plug-in version of Pega Robotics Studio, the design experience provides streamline access to all the tools required for project design, debugging, and deployment. This chapter describes the IDE elements that are specific to Studio. This chapter also describes basic interface layout customization.
Pega Robotics Studio consists of these interface elements:
- Menu toolbar
- Standard toolbar
- Automation toolbar
- Tool windows
- Designer windows
Toolbar buttons contain commonly used OpenSpan Studio functions. The toolbars are:
- Standard toolbar
- Automation toolbar
Descriptions of the Studio specific functions available from these toolbars follow. For information on the standard Visual Studio functions, refer to the Microsoft MSDN web site.
Standard Toolbar
The Standard toolbar contains standard functions (File Open, Save, Cut, Copy, and Paste) as well as these Studio-specific functions for deploying a project and undoing/redoing a user action.
Automation Toolbar
The Automation toolbar contains buttons for performing automation view and layout actions.