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Pega Robotic Automation introduction

Pega Robotic Automation

Robotic automation is the event-driven software used to automate tasks and processes otherwise performed by humans. Robotic automation is a style of automation where a software robot mimics the work of human users to perform various tasks that are repetitive, high volume, and rules-driven. Through automated processes, the software robot executes a workflow involving multiple steps and interactions with different applications.

Pega Robotic Automation™ can support Pega Platform™ by automating front-end applications without accessible Pega Platform channels by using the right tool for the right time. For example, if an application has an API, Pega Platform can access the application API. If the application does not have an API, then Pega Robotic Automation can access the application for use in the case life cycle.

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Pega Robotic Automation functionality

Three concepts drive Pega Robotic Automation: event-driven architecture, support of virtually any application, and quick result delivery.

Event-driven architecture

  • Assist in the discovery and measurement of existing processes
  • Generate events, alerts, and notifications from any application
  • Deploy standalone or as part of a wider Business Process Management/Business Activity Management rollout

Support of virtually any application

  • Desktop, Mainframe, Java, IE, Chrome, Firefox
  • Cloud/SaaS, Citrix, and virtual applications
  • Older or custom-built applications, with or without APIs

Quick Result Delivery

  • Rapid visual design environment and full programmatic API
  • No changes to underlying applications required
  • Solutions deployed in an incremental, highly-iterative fashion
Benefits of pega robotic automation


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