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Pega Communityのロゴ

注: 次のコンテンツはPega Communityを参照したページで、モジュール内容の理解度を高める目的で含まれています。

Maintain the best quality of your application by testing it with the Clipboard tool. To test or debug your application, set values for the properties that your application logic uses, and then check whether the application logic behaves as expected.

For example, to test the logic of a child case type, before you finish creating its parent case type, you can provide a sample of the data that the child case type normally inherits from its parent.

For relevant training materials, see the Clipboard data module on Pega Academy.

  1. In App Studio, navigate to an element that you want to test. For example: To test a child case, in the navigation pane of App Studio, click Case types, click a case type that you want to open, and then click Save and run.
  2. In the footer of App Studio, click Toggle runtime toolbar Clipboard . Result: The Clipboard Viewer window opens. The navigation pane lists pages in the memory that are associated with the thread that you select in the Thread list.
  3. In the navigation pane, click the page that stores the values that you want to edit.
  4. In the Clipboard page section, click Edit.
  5. In the Value column, provide a value for the property that you want to test or debug. For example: Set the value of a property to false, as shown in the following figure:
    Editing property values in the Clipboard tool
    A page in the Clipboard tool with three read-only fields and four editable fields
    A page in the Clipboard tool with three read-only fields and four editable fields
  6. Click Save.
  7. Populate the process that you want to test or debug with the new clipboard data. For example: Bring the case to a resolution.
Result: The application populates fields with the test values that you provide.

トレーニングを実施中に問題が発生した場合は、Pega Academy Support FAQsをご確認ください。



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