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Designing for Pega projects

6 Topics

1 hr 30 mins

Visible to: All users
Pega Platform 8.4

Apply design thinking to projects to help achieve faster business results in your digital transformation journey. Facilitate discussions and drive requirements around reporting , user experience (UX), and rule delegation to influence the design of the application to meet the business need.

After completing this module, you should be able to:

State the purpose of a Design Thinking workshop.
List common deliverables resulting from a design thinking workshop.
Identify BA specific roles and responsibilities related to Design thinking.
Apply Design thinking principles in a workshop for a Pega Platform project.
Explain the importance of identifying reporting requirements early in the application design
List the benefits of designing an application with delegated rules
Distinguish user experience from the user interface
Identify the recommended process of incorporating user experience into an application.

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