Presenting suggestions for agents
6 Topics
55 mins
During customer interactions, CSRs receive suggestions through notification cards in the Interaction Portal of Pega Customer Service™. They represent suggested actions, Customer Decision Hub offers, and/or articles that are relevant to the current context. In this module, you learn about notification cards and the logic behind their presentation in the Interaction Portal.
Also, learn how to configure the Customer Service and the Customer Decision Hub applications to present suggestions for agents.
After completing this module, you should be able to:
Available in the following mission:
Notification cards for suggestions
10 mins
Suggesting a service case through deterministic logic
10 mins
Suggesting knowledge articles for a service case
5 mins
Suggesting an open complaint case
5 mins
Editing the configuration set for Pega Customer Decision Hub suggestions
10 mins
Suggesting offers with Customer Decision Hub
10 mins
Module Quiz
5 mins