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Creating Customer Service data sources

  • Module

    Creating Customer Service data sources

    1 Topic

    10 mins

    Visible to: All users
  • You use Customer Service data sources to add external data objects into the Pega Customer Service application. Within data sources, you can specify...

Defining a reporting strategy

Integrating external data

  • Module

    Integrating external data

    2 Topics

    20 mins

    Pega Customer Service 8.8
    Visible to: All users
  • In this module, you learn how to integrate external data into a Pega Customer Service application. You will connect to a REST service that contains...

Creating an Insight for the Executive Manager

  • Challenge

    Creating an Insight for the Executive Manager

    1 Task

    45 mins

    Pega Platform '24.2
    Visible to: All users
  • Your Executive Manager wants to know the number of business partner registrations and renewals that are generated at the end of every month.

    Create a...

Mentored Training: Lead System Architect

  • Instructor Led Training

    Mentored Training: Lead System Architect

    16 days

    Pega Infinity
    Visible to: All users
  • The Pega Mentored Training program allows Pega developers to remain on billable projects while still developing their skills in a timely manner. This...

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