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Access roles and groups in Pega Robot Manager

Users in your Pega Robot Manager™ application can have different needs based on how they plan to use their robotic automations. Some users in your organization need access to run-time packages, while others might require access to reports to analyze performance metrics. In Robot Manager, Access roles and Access groups determine users' permissions or system capabilities in your Pega Platform™ application. You can associate a user with one or more Access groups identifying the application. In contrast, an Access group can contain one or more Access roles that define the user's permissions in that application. 

In the following figure, click the + icons to learn more about the difference between Access groups and Access roles:

Maintaining correct access for users is essential to managing your robotic automations. With the proper rights, users have the appropriate permissions necessary to perform their tasks. The correct access also affects which pages are visible to you in Robot Manager. For example, user administrators can access actions regarding managing departments and users but cannot access Spaces or Assets. In contrast, developers have access rights to the Assets page, where they see the Catalog menu items. Without the proper Access group, developers will not see the Assets page or be able to use the Spaces feature to collaborate with other users.

Default Access roles and Access groups

Pega Robot Manager comes with several out-of-the-box Access roles. Adding Access roles to an Access group allows users access to specific sections of Robot Manager based on their responsibilities. Alternatively, you can limit user access to specific Robot Manager areas by removing Access roles from an Access group. For more information on the out-of-the-box Access roles available in Robot Manager, see Default Access roles.

Pega Robot Manager also includes several sample template Access groups, each with a different set of Access roles that provide Robot Manager users with specific privileges. Use the example Access groups as a guide or a starting point when creating your own Robot Manager-specific Access groups. For more information on out-of-box Access groups, see the Access groups and roles in Pega Robot Manager article on the Pega Documentation website.


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