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User administration in Pega Robot Manager

Pega Robot Manager streamlines the assignment and deployment of packages and runtime configurations for users. You can specify the organization structure and the user's membership to ensure the correct package assignment. The package assigned to a user determines the used version of runtime. When the Synchronization Server is also being used to maintain Robot Runtime versions, this streamlines all software updates to the Robot Runtime machine.

Note: You can assign packages and run-time configurations to users directly. However, applying these settings using the organizational structure offers a more scalable approach.

For example, the Debt Management Unit of a banking organization has multiple users assigned in Robot Manager. You can adjust the run-time configuration file and assign packages to all unit members from the Departments menu of Robot Manager, as shown in the following figure:

The Users screen of Pega Robot manager with option to assign packages and run-time configuration.

User roles

When adding users to Robot Manager, you must assign them roles. Each role is associated with an access group and determines the user's actions and their access level. Robot Manager defines several default access roles that you can assign to the user on the New user or Edit user forms, as shown in the following figure:

The New user form of Pega Robot Manager displaying the default roles.

For more details about the functions assigned with a particular user role, see Configuring default access groups

Administering the Robot Manager users

In the Robot Manager portal, you can add, modify, delete, and import users from an external file. The following list contains links to documentation describing each procedure in detail:


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