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Adding an existing item with the New Project Wizard

Adding an existing item with the New Project Wizard

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Note: The following content, referenced from Pega Community, is included here to help you better achieve the module learning objectives.

Using the Existing Item project item, you can browse to an existing control and copy it into your project.

Adding an existing item
  1. In the Add Project Items page, in the Existing Item row, click the Add button.
  2. In your project folder, browse for the existing item that you want to copy and select the item.
  3. In the New name field, you can edit the item’s name, if the name is already used in the project. 
  4. Optional: To generate a new unique ID for the item, select the Generate new ID check box. Each project item has an ID assigned when it is first created. This ID must be unique within the solution. The wizard prevents you from adding an item if its ID is not unique.

For more information, see Using the New Project Wizard.

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