Ensure that users fill in the forms in an application correctly by supplying brief instructions. Provide additional information for users through labels, helper text, and placeholders that appear on form elements.
In the navigation pane of App Studio, click Case types, and then click the case type that you want to open.
In the work area, open a case by clicking Save and run.
In the open case, navigate to the view with the control that you want to edit.
In the view, click Configure this view.
In the configuration pane on the right, hover over the control that you want to edit, and then click the Edit icon.
On the General tab, define the label for the control:
- To keep the name of the property from which the control is sourced as the label, select the Use property default check box.
- To use a custom label, clear the Use property default check box, and then enter a new label.
In the Placeholder list, specify the text that appears in the control when it has no value assigned:
- To keep the placeholder space empty, select None.
- To add placeholder text, select Other, and then select the text that you want to use.
- To add a placeholder that represents the format of the date used in a Date time control, select Expected Format.
In the Helper text list, specify the additional text that appears in the control:
- To keep the helper text space empty, select None.
- To add inline helper text, select Always visible/in-line, and then define the helper text value.
- To add a help icon that displays text on hover, select Help icon with overlay on hover, and then enter the helper text.
- To add a tooltip, select Tooltip (not recommended), and then define the helper text value.
Because tooltips are visible only on hover, they are not suitable for users who rely on accessibility features.
Click Apply.