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Case Status

The Case Status indicates the progress of a Case towards resolution. For example, imagine that customers try to order a product from an online shopping application, but the entire application lacks user guidance. Without purchase statuses throughout the buying process, it is difficult to track the status of the order, as shown in the following image:

Case life cycle without statuses

The appropriate Case Status value

Case Status values provide information for users about the current state of a business process. Changes to Case Status through the Case Life Cycle convey information about the progress of the Case toward completion. Updating the Case Status more than necessary adds confusion for the end-user. A best practice is to have no more than 10 Case Statuses in a Case Type. 

The following table includes standard Case Status values and pre-fixes:

Case Status Description
New Indicates the Case is not yet in progress.
Open Indicates the Case is active and that users process the case. 
Pending Indicates the Case awaits an action or an event. There are out-of-the-box suffixes that provide more information for end users, including Pending-Approval and Pending-Fulfillment.
Resolved Indicates that all processing of the Case is complete and the Case does not include any open assignments. There are out-of-the-box suffixes that provide more information for end users, including Resolved-Cancelled and Resolved-Rejected.

As a best practice, use existing Case Statuses. If required, create custom Case Status values in Dev Studio.

Case Status updates

You can set the Case Status on any Stage and any Step in the Case Life Cycle. 

Case Status updates on a Stage

If you set the Case Status on a Stage, Pega Platform automatically updates the Case Status when the Case advances to the Stage. In the final Stage of the Case Life Cycle, you can specify a resolution status, which is the Case Status that is displayed after all the Processes in the Stage are complete. 

In the online shopping application example shown in the following figure, the Case Status updates at each stage to indicate the order status: New, Pending-Processing, Pending-Fulfillment, and Resolved-Completed upon Case resolution:

Case Life Cycle with Case status updates at the Stage level

Case Status updates on a Step

In some Case Types, you might want to configure more specific Case Statuses at the Step level. If you set the Case Status on a Step, when the Case advances to the Step, Pega Platform automatically updates the Status of the Case to the value that is defined for that Step.

In the online shopping application example shown in the following figure, you add the custom Case Statuses Pending-Shipping and Pending-Delivery to Steps in the Fulfillment Stage to give customers more visibility into when to expect their order:

Case Life Cycle with Case status updates at the Stage and Step level

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