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Enabling auto tagging

Authors can delete or add other tags manually, but you can also enable auto-tagging to simplify this operation. The Pega AI-based text analyzer scans the article title, abstract, and content body to identify relevant topics and suggest related tags.

Note: Only Pega Knowledge administrators or site managers can enable auto-tagging.
  1. In the navigation pane of Pega Knowledge, click Configurations.
  2. Click Auto tagging.
  3. On the Auto-tagging landing page, select the Enable auto-tagging for articles checkbox.
  4. In the Limit tag suggestions to list, select the number of automatic content tags to create, as shown in the following figure:
    This picture shows the Auto-tagging check box
    Note: The default limit is three suggestions.
  1. Click Save.

New content that authors create now receive auto-tagging from the Pega AI-based text analyzer.

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