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Managing taxonomy categories

Add, edit, and delete a taxonomy category to manage the categories for your organization. Before you create a new taxonomy, identify the categories that the business requires and whether the content in the category (optionally child categories) that you want to create requires expert approval.

Adding a taxonomy category

  1. In the navigation pane of the Pega Knowledge portal, click Taxonomy.
  2. Configure expert approval:
    • To indicate that you want expert approval for articles that are associated with this category, select the Enable expert approval checkbox.
    • To remove expert approval for articles that are associated with this category, clear the Enable expert approval checkbox.
    Note: If you select the Enable expert approval checkbox, publishers and approvers cannot edit articles during the publishing or approval stages. However, you can allow publishers and approvers to edit the publishing settings for an article by selecting the Update publishing settings checkbox.
  1. Click Add new category.
  2. In the Category name field, enter the name of the new category. 
  3. Optional: To create the new category under a parent or top-level category, click Change, and then select a parent category.
    Note: If you do not select a parent category, the system creates the new category as a parent category.
  1. Select the appropriate Authorized role from the list, and then click Add to add security content visibility setting to a category.
    Note: You can apply multiple roles to a category.
  1. If you enabled expert approval in step 2, in the Category knowledge expert field, add a knowledge expert to approve articles that are associated with this category.
  2. Select the Is approver external checkbox , and then in the External approver email field, add the external email address to add an external approver.
    Note: If you choose an external approver as the knowledge expert, you must configure the service level agreement (SLA). By using SLAs, you can standardize how external approvers can either approve or reject the articles. An external approver email address receives an email notification with the article link for review. This article link is accesibile for one time only.
  1. In the Category knowledge expert list, select the approver to add an internal approver.
  2. Select the Apply knowledge expert to all associated child categories checkbox to assign the selected knowledge expert as an approver for all associated child categories.
  3. Click Choose file, and then click Upload to select an image to use for the category.
    Note: In the Resource Kit directory (, the Pega Distribution folder contains sample category icons. Your system administrator can uncomopress this file onto a shared drive or a location where you can access and upload the desired category icon.
  1. Click Submit to save and create the new category.

Editing a taxonomy category

  1. On the Taxonomy landing page, click the Edit selected category icon.
  2. Optional: To change the parent category, click Change, and then select the category type.
  3. Optional: To change the category name, in the Category name field, enter a new name.
  4. Optional: Configure the Authorized roles for the category:
    • select the Authorized role and click Add,
    • click Delete security roles from the list of existing ones.
  5. Optional: To change the category image, click Choose an image file, and then click Upload.
  6. Click Update to apply the changes to the category.

Deleting a taxonomy category

  1. On the Taxonomy landing page, for the category that you want to delete, click the Delete icon.
  2. Click Delete.
    The system removes the category.
    Note: The system will not allow you to delete a taxonomy category if it has articles in it. All articles must either be assigned to a different category or archived before a taxonomy category can be deleted.

Business scenario example


U+Bank wants to update its knowledge management portal with a new taxonomy category for Mobile App issues.

This category is a parent category and requires expert approval from an external approver. As a Taxonomy Manager, log into the KM portal and navigate to the Taxonomy page.

A KM Admin has already selected the Enable expert approval checkbox. This way, publishers and approvers are unable to edit articles during the publishing or approval stages. If the business allows publishers and approvers to edit the Publishing settings for an article, a KM Admin must also select the Update publishing settings checkbox.

Current business needs require you to add the KM Editor as an Authorized role. You can apply multiple roles to a category.

The same expert must approve new content in the Smartphone signal category.

The company is no longer offering support for the Fax category. As a result, you need to delete that category.

All articles must either be assigned to a different category or archived before a taxonomy category can be deleted.

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