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Pega Diagnostic Center overview

Pega Diagnostic Center (PDC) is a Software as a Service (SaaS) application that monitors your applications in real-time, gathering performance, quality, and diagnostic data on Pega Platform™ applications and components. As a Lead System Architect (LSA), PDC helps you to identify performance bottlenecks, security issues, and other critical alerts in real-time.  

Pega Diagnostic Center

PDC aggregates data to highlight areas that need improvement and offers actionable insights so that you can proactively address issues, optimize system performance, and ensure a seamless user experience. PDC enhances application quality during all stages of design, development, testing, and production, and provides notifications for events that require attention. 

Pega Diagnostic Center receives, analyzes, and stores data sent by Pega Platform. The application gathers information from various data sources, either as summary statistics or individual data points. Pega Platform does not send any Personally Identifying Information (PII) to PDC other than the Operator ID, which can be encrypted if needed. Built considering security and compliance, PDC ensures that the data collected is protected and handled according to industry standards and regulations. 

PDC provides an overview of system performance and usage, so for example, you can review Response time and Interactions graphs, which display how the system reacts under load. A high average response time can indicate poor database performance, and a system could be considered stable when the volume of interactions is high but there is no spike in the response time. PDC also provides detailed reports, root cause analysis, performance trend analysis, and proactive recommendations to improve application performance and stability. It maintains historical data, enabling users to track performance trends over time, which helps you to understand the impact of changes made to the application. 

Alerts or exceptions are created as Events in PDC. For example, OPS events are operations events, such as like out of memory issues, while DBMS events are related to database issues in the Event Viewer. The Event Viewer serves as the landing page for PDC, displaying recent alerts and exceptions. PDC collects exceptions as cases, enabling you to more efficiently search for exceptions.  

PDC also provides statistical information about: 

  • Databases: Assesses table size, the number of rows, and live indexes. 
  • Elasticsearch: Provides information related to Elasticsearch indexes, the number of documents indexed, and the status of host nodes. 
  • Dynamic System Settings: Offers a current snapshot of dynamic system settings for Pega Platform that are automatically or user-created. 
  • JVM Monitoring: Accesses garbage collection (GC) pauses and memory pool usage in real-time on the JVM Monitoring landing page. 

The following figure shows the flow of data for an environment configured with PDC:


For more information see, Pega Diagnostic Center


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