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Adding fields to Views

4 Tasks

20 mins

Visible to: All users
Pega Platform '24.2
Data Integration
User Experience


Now that the Stages, Steps, and data objects for the MyTown 311 Service Request Case Life Cycle are configured, the Mayor and the Services coordinator have determined that additional information is necessary for the Services coordinator and Technical team to complete their Tasks more efficiently. Configure the additional fields needed to collect the information and add them to the Views for the associated Steps.

Some of the Service Request Case Type Views have previously been configured by a different MyTown developer.

The following table provides the credentials you need to complete the challenge.

Role User name Password
Application Developer author@mytown pega123!
Note: Your practice environment may support the completion of multiple challenges. As a result, the configuration shown in the challenge walkthrough may not match your environment exactly.

You must initiate your own Pega instance to complete this Challenge.

Initialization may take up to 5 minutes so please be patient.

Challenge Walkthrough

Detailed Tasks

1 Add a picklist field to the Request data object

  1. In the Pega instance for the challenge, enter the following credentials:
    1. In the User name field, enter author@mytown.
    2. In the Password field, enter pega123!.
  2. In the App Studio navigation pane, click Data > Request to display the Request data object.
  3. In the Request data object, click Add field to add a new field.
    Add field request data
  4. In the Field name field, enter Issue severity.
    Tip: The system uses the name of the field to predict the Field Type. When creating a field, make sure to always verify the Field Type by clicking or tabbing to the Field Type list before clicking Submit.
  5. In the Type list, select Picklist.
    1. In the Display as and Picklist options fields, keep the default values.
    2. In the Choices section, click Add choice. An empty field is displayed.
    3. In the Empty field, enter Low as a picklist value.
    4. Repeat steps 5b-5c to create two additional picklist values, Medium and High.
      Issue severity field
  6. Click Submit & add another to add another field to the Request data object.

2 Add a calculated field to the Request data object

  1. In the Field name  enter Total time.
  2. From the Type list, select Integer.
  3. Expand the Advanced section, and then select This is a calculated field (read-only).
    Total time field
    Note: Calculated fields are automatically displayed as Read-only. These fields cannot be edited during run-time.
  4. In the Function list, select Use Expression. An empty field is displayed below.
  5. In the empty field, enter .SetupTime + .RepairTime + .CleanupTime.
    Total time calculated field
  6. Click Submit to add the calculated field to the Request data object.
  7. Click Save to save your changes to the Request data object.

3 Adding fields to Views

  1. In the App Studio navigation pane, click Case Types > Service Request to display the Service Request Case Life Cycle.
  2. In the Service Request Case Type, click the Report problem Step to open the contextual property pane on the right.
  3. In the contextual property pane, click Configure View to add a field to the View.
  4. Under the Fields section, click Add.
  5. Click Fields.
  6. To the right of Service request, click the arrow.
    Select the arrow to the right of service request.
  7. Click Fields.
  8. Select Issue severity.
    Selecting Issue severity to add to the Report problem view.
  9. Click Add.
  10. Using the left-side Direction icon, drag the Issue severity (ServiceRequest) field and drop it above the Description (ServiceRequest) field.
    Report problem view
  11. Click Submit.
  12. In the Service Request Case Type, click the Perform repair Step to open the contextual property pane on the right.
  13. In the contextual property pane, click Configure View to add a field to the View.
  14. Under the Fields section, click Add.
  15. Click Fields.
  16. To the right of Service request, click the arrow.
    Select the arrow to the right of service request.
  17. Click Fields.
  18. Select Note to Technical team and Total time and click Add.

4 Configuring a read-only field in the Perform repair View

  1. In the Perform repair View, click the Configure icon to the right of Note to Technical team (ServiceRequest).
    Highlighting the Configure icon on the right of the Note to Technical team field.
  2. In the Edit mode list, select Read-only.
    Setting the Note to Technical team field as Read-only.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Using the left-side Direction icon, drag the Note to Technical team (ServiceRequest) field and drop it above the Repair notes (ServiceRequest) field.
    perform repair
  5. Click Submit.
  6. In the upper right of the Service Request Case Life Cycle, click Save.

Confirm your work

  1. In the upper right of the Service Request Case Life Cycle, click Save and run to create a new Service Request Case. 
  2. In the Report problem View, verify that the Issue severity field displays as a picklist with choices of Low, Medium, and High. 
    The Issue severity picklist in the Report problem view.
  3. Click Next to advance past the Report problem View.
  4. Click Next to advance past the Identify location View.
  5. Click Next to advance past the Identify submitter View.
  6. Click Submit to advance past the Request updates View.
  7. Click Submit to advance past the Schedule repair View.
  8. In the Perform repair Step, confirm that the Note to Technical team and Total time fields are displayed as Read-only fields.
    Highlighting that the Note to Technical team and Total time fields are read-only at runtime.

This Challenge is to practice what you learned in the following Module:

Available in the following mission:

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