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Launching a new offer


6 Tasks

30 mins

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Pega Customer Decision Hub 8.6
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U+ Bank is currently cross-selling on the web by showing various credit cards to its customers. Due to the increased interest rates, the economy has slowed down. The bank decides to announce a festive offer to all customers who are likely to bring in the most revenue to help create demand in a slowing economy. 

U+ Bank introduces a new festive offer that promises 15% cashback to all the customers whose credit score is higher than 250. The bank also wants to promote this offer at its best by giving a business weight of 75%.

Note: The value for this business lever is set at this stage purely for this challenge so that the offer is displayed among the first times on the U+ website. Normally a business lever is set only if the business wants to push the offer for a particular reason.

Use the following credentials to log in to the exercise system:


User name


Business User



Team Lead



NBA Specialist



Revision Manager



Deployment Manager



Your assignment consists of the following tasks:

Task 1: Create a change request to introduce a new action

As a Business User, submit a change request to create a new festive action that is suitable for customers with a credit score greater than 250 and with a business weight of 75%.

Task 2: Prioritize the change request created

As a Team Lead, assign a rank of 1 to the change request submitted by the Business user.

Task 3: Complete the action build tasks

As an NBA Specialist, complete the various build tasks generated by the system to create the action that is defined in the change request.

Note: For the click-through URL, replace XXXX with the value specific to your exercise environment. You can copy this from the URL that is displayed in your browser.

Task 4: Promote the changes to production

As a Team Lead, promote the change request to the revision manager, who deploys the business changes to the production environment.

Task 5: Deploy changes to production

As a Revision Manager, deploy the promoted changes to the production environment.

Task 6: Confirm you work

Log in to the U+ Bank first as Troy and then as Barbara to see who is eligible for the Cashback 15 Card

Challenge Walkthrough

Detailed Tasks

1 Create a change request to introduce a new action

  1. Log in to 1:1 Operations Manager as a Business User with User name BusinessUser and Password rules.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click Create > Change Request to create an offer in the New window.
    create change request
  3. In the New window, provide the following details.
    1. In the Name field, enter Introduce Festive OfferThis represents the change request name, not the action name.
    2. Select Create new action.
    3. Select a Completion date.
    4. In the Business issue list, select Sales.
    5. In the Group list, select CreditCards.
    6. In the Description text box, enter Festive offer of 15% cash back to all the customers whose credit score is more than 250.
      New window
    7. Click Create to define the attributes of the offer.
  4. In the Specify details for the new action section, in the Name field, enter Introduce festive offer.
  5. Ensure that the Business issue is set to Sales.
  6. Ensure that the Group is set to CreditCards.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. In the Define availability section, provide details on action availability. 
    1. Ensure that the Make this action available check box is selected.
    2. Ensure that the Action start date matches the Completion date that you entered while creating the change request.
    3. In the Action end date field, select a date that is in future.
    4. In the Business weight field, enter 75.
      The value for the business lever is set at this stage onlyfor this challenge so that the offer is displayed among the first times on the U+ website.A business lever is set only if the business wants to push the offer for a specific reason.
      Define NBA configuration
  9. Click Continue to define the engagement policy.
  10. In the Define engagement policy section, in the Suitability field, enter offer suitable if credit score is greater than 250. An autofill option is displayed.
    Define suitability as BU
  11. Click the autofill option to define the engagement policy.
  12. Ensure that the autofill option populates the Suitability field.
    Accept pills
  13. Click Continue to define the channel details.
  14. In the Define channels section, click Add channels > Web.
  15. Enter the following web treatment details:
    1. In the Name field, enter Festive Offer Web tile.
    2. In the Placement type list, select Tile.
    3. Ensure that the Make this treatment available check box is selected.
      Define channels
  16. Click Finish to confirm the details.
  17. In the lower-left corner, click the user profile image and log out.

2 Prioritize the created change request

  1. Log in to 1:1 Operations Manager as a Team Lead with User name TeamLead and Password rules.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click TeamLead > Operations Manager Settings.
  3. In the Revision settings section, select RevisionManager from the dropdown list.
  4. Click Save.
  5. In the navigation pane on the left, click Change requests.
  6. On the list of change requests, click the Festive Offer change request.
    Details required status
  7. In the To do list, to the right of Rank change request, click Go to open the rank change request section.
    To do for team lead
  8. In the Rank change request section, in the Rank field, enter 1.
    Rank change request
  9. Click Submit to submit the rank.
  10. In the To do list, to the right of Assign build stage peer-reviewers, click Go to open the task.
    To do peer review
  11. In the upper right, click the icon to expand the utility pane. 
    Stakeholder widget
  12. In the pane on the right, on the stakeholders widget, click the Manage stakeholder's icon. 
    Config stakeholders
    1. In the Update stakeholders window, in the Add stakeholder list, select Peer Reviewer.
    2. In the Peer Reviewer section, in the Operator ID field, enter or select BusinessUser.
    3. Click OK.
      Update stakeholders
    4. Click Submit to close the Update stakeholders window.
  13. Click Submit to submit the task and display a warning message.
    Adding build stage peer reviewers
  14. On the warning message, click Refresh.
    Refresh screen
  15. Click Submit to submit the task.
    Submit stakeholders
  16. Log out.

3 Complete the action build tasks

  1. Log in as an NBA Specialist with User name NBASpecialist and Password rules.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click Change requests.
  3. On the list of change requests, click the Festive Offer change request.
    in queue status
  4. In the To do list, to the right of the Define action details task, click the More icon, and then select Assign to myself.
  5. To the right of the task, click Go.
  6. In the Define action details section, enter the following details:
    1. In the Name field, enter Cashback 15 card.
    2. In Business issue list, select Sales.
    3. In the Group list, select CreditCards.
    4. Ensure that the Availability check box is selected.
    5. In the Start date field, select the time from when you want this offer to be available.
      Note: The start date can be in the past to ensure the offer will become active as soon as it is deplyed and you can see the offer on the U+ bank website in task 6. 
    6. In Business weight (+/-) field, make sure that the value is 75.
      Define action details
    7. Click Submit to submit the action details.
  7. In the To do list, to the right of the Configure engagement policy task, click the More icon, and then select Assign to myself.
  8. To the right of the task, click Go to the right of the task.
  9. In the summary pane on the left, click Engagement policy.
    Engagement policy given by BU
  10. Verify that the engagement rules that you need to implement are displayed. 
    Observe engagement policy
  11. In the Suitability section, click the Add icon to add the following condition.
    1. In the first list, ensure that Customer is selected.
    2. In the second list, in the Fields section, select CreditScore.
    3. In the third list, select is greater than.
    4. In the last list, enter 250.
      Define suitability
  12. Scroll down and click Continue.
  13. On the left, click the arrow to collapse the summary pane.
    Collapse summary pane
  14. In the Prepare validation section, click any persona to preview its respective values. 
  15. Close the persona preview.
  16. Select Barbara and then click Continue.
  17. In the Run validation section, click Run the test icon.
    1. Observe the test run badge (Result) on the right that indicates that Barbara's test passed as her credit score is 450, which satisfies the defined suitability rule (Credit score > 250).
      Run validation
    2. Click Continue.
    3. Add a relevant comment to describe the engagement policy to the peer reviewer, and then click Finish.
  18. In the To do list, to the right of the Design web treatment task, click the More icon, and then click Assign to Myself.
  19. To the right of the task, click Go.
  20. In the Design web treatment section, enter the following details:
    1. In the Name field, enter Cashback 15 card web tile.
    2. In Content URL field, enter
    3. In the Click-through URL field, enter
      Note: For the click-through URL, replace XXXX with the value specific to your exercise environment. You can copy this from the URL that is displayed in your browser.
    4. In the Placement type field Ensure Tile is selected.
    5. In the Language list, select English (United States).
    6. In the Format section, select Image.
      Design web treatment
    7. Click Submit.
  21. Log out.
  22. Log in as a Business User with User name BusinessUser and Password rules.
    1. In the My worklist section, to the right of the Review engagement policy task, click Go.
      BU worklist
    2. Scroll down to scan the details, add the review comments, and click Approve.
    3. Log out
  23. Log in as an NBA Specialist with User name NBASpecialist and Password rules.
    1. In the navigation pane on the left, click Change requests.
    2. From the list of change requests, click the Festive Offer change request.
      In progress status of Change request
    3. In the To do list, to the right of the Review all completed tasks in build stage task, click the More icon, and then select Assign to myself.
    4. To the right of the task, click Go.
    5. In the Review all completed tasks in build stage, click Submit.
    6. Confirm that the action status is RESOLVED-COMPLETED.
      Resolved completed
    7. In the navigation pane on the left, click Change requests.
    8. From the list of change requests, click the Festive Offer change request.
      Pending testing status of change request
    9. In the To do list, to the right of the Validate artifacts task, click the More icon, and then select Assign to myself.
    10. To the right of the task, click Go.
    11. In the Validate artifacts section, click Submit.
    12. Confirm that the action is marked DEPLOYMENT READY.
    13. Log out.

4 Promote changes to production

  1. Log in as a Team Lead with User name TeamLead and Password rules.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click Change Requests.
  3. From the list of change requests, click the Festive Offer change request.
  4. In the To do list, to the right of the Complete this change request task, click the More icon, and then select Assign to myself.
  5. To the right of the task, click Go.
  6. In the Complete this change request section, click Approve.
    complete this change request
  7. Confirm that the action status is RESOLVED-COMPLETED.

5 Deploy changes to production

  1. Log in as a Revision Manager with User name RevisionManager and Password rules.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click Revision Management.
  3. In the Welcome back, Revision Manager section, click Update business rules.
  4. In the upper right, click Actions > Deploy revision.
    Deploy revision
  5. Enter a comment, and then click Deploy to view the Merge status message and await deployment
    Sent for deployment

    The status changes to Open-Inprogress. Deployment starts after the revision changes are merged successfully.
  6. Wait for the revision to be merged to production through the pipeline BusinessChange.
    Revision merged
  7. Observe that the screen refreshes by itself and that the revision is being deployed but waiting for testing.
    Test activate
  8. Click Test or activate this revision for selecting the test users.
  9. In the Test or activate this revision window, select Activate for all operators.
  10. Click Submit to display the message that deployment is activated successfully.
Deployed activated
  1. Click Complete revision to finish the revision.
Note: Note: Log in as a deployment manager with User name dmreleaseadmin and Password install@1234 to see the flow of deployment.

6 Confirm your work

  1. On the Exercise System landing page, click U+ Bank to open the website.
    Launch U Bank
  2. On the website main page, in the upper right, click Log in to log in as a customer.
  3. Log in as Barbara to see that she is eligible for the Cashback 15 Card.
Note: Initially, a default banner is displayed for a few minutes. This occurs only after the first login. The offer loads immediately when you log in next time. Refresh the page for each customer at least twice to see the Cashback 15 card.


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