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Routing work to users for BAs

2 Tasks

15 mins

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Pega Platform '23
Case Management
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In a DCO session, GoGoRoad stakeholders confirmed that assignments related to assistance requests often get lost in the handoff between different employees, and between different departments. As a Pega Business Architect working with GoGoRoad SMEs, you have determined that two assignments in particular can benefit from Pega's automated routing features. The assignments are Validate request, Select services performed, and Review services Assignments. Business requirements have been established to address both needs.

User story

As a GoGoRoad Manager, I want the Validate request Assignment to to be routed directly to me so that I can quickly evaluate the request for assistance.

As a GoGoRoad CSR, I want the Select services performed Step to come directly to the CSR Work Queue so that the next available CSR can complete the task, moving the process along for the customer.

As a GoGoRoad CSR, I want the Review services Assignment to be routed to the CSR Work Queue to the final review can be conducted efficiently, and the customer invoiced for payment.

Technical notes documented by the System Architect

  • The Validate request Step must be routed to the Manager of GoGoRoad's Assistance Request department.
  • The Review services Step must be routed to the CSR Work Queue. 

The following table provides the credentials you need to complete the challenge:

Role User name Password
Business Architect author@gogoroad pega123!

You must initiate your own Pega instance to complete this Challenge.

Initialization may take up to 5 minutes so please be patient.

Challenge Walkthrough

Detailed Tasks

1 Configure routing for the Validate request Step

  1. In the Pega instance for the challenge, enter the following credentials:
    1. In the User name field, enter author@gogoroad.
    2. In the Password field, enter pega123!.
  2. In the navigation pane of App Studio, click Case Types > Assistance Request to access the Assistance Request Case Type,
  3. In the Assistance Request Case Life Cycle, click on the Validate request Step.
  4. In the contextual properties pane to the right, in the Route To field, select Specific user.
  5. In the second Route to field, select User name.
  6. In the third Route to field, select or enter Manager@gogoroad.
    Routing the Validate request Step to the Manager.

2 Configure routing for the Select services performed and Review Services Step

  1. In the Assistance Request Case Life Cycle, click on the Select services performed Step.
  2. In the contextual properties pane to the right, on the General tab, in the Route To field,  select Work Queue.
  3. In the second Route to field, select Create Work Queue.
  4. In the Work Queue name field, enter CSR, then click OK.
    Routing to the CSR Work Queue
  5. In the Assistance Request Case Life Cycle, click on the Review services Step.
  6. In the contextual properties pane to the right, on the General tab, in Route To field, select Work Queue.
  7. In the second Route to field, select CSR.
  8. In the upper-right corner, click Save.

Confirm your work

Note: If the Service Stage does not load after you click Approve in the Validate request Step, go back to the Case Life Cycle. Click Preview. In the navigation pane, click Create > Assistance Request. Restart the Confirm your work section from step 2.
  1. In App Studio, click Save and run to create a new Assistance Request Case.
  2. In the Identify issue Step, select a Service type, then click Next.
  3. .In the Identify customer Step, select a Customer, then click Next.
  4. In the Identify location Step, add values to the Street, City, and State fields, then click Next.
  5. In the Identify vehicle Step, add values to at least the Make and Model fields, then click Submit.
  6. In the Enter payment information Step, add values to the Card type, Card number, and Expiration date fields, and then click Submit.
  7. Confirm that the Get Approval from Email/Mobile Assignment is routed to the Manager.
    Confirming the Approval step is routing to the Manager
  8. Click Go to advance to the Validate request Step,  then click Approve.
  9. Confirm that the Select services performed Assignment is routed to the CSR Work queue.
    Highlighting the Select services performed Step is routing to the CSR Work Queue
  10. Click Submit to advance the Case.
  11. Confirm that Review services Assignment is routed to the CSR Work queue.
    Highlighting the Review services assignment is routing to the CSR work queue

This Challenge is to practice what you learned in the following Module:

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