Additional toolbox options for automations
9 Topics
1 hr 5 mins
In Pega Robot Studio, the Toolbox offers you a wide array of features to help extend automation development to include Windows forms, dialog boxes, messaging to users, Regex, and Microsoft Office connectivity. Additionally, developers have quick access to configuration and automated options for Assisted Sign-on and Start My Day.
After completing this module, you should be able to:
Practice what you learned in the following Challenges:
Available in the following mission:
Windows forms and application bars
5 mins
Microsoft Office connectors
5 mins
Excel Connector
10 mins
Communication with the user
5 mins
Toast notifications
5 mins
Assisted Sign-On
10 mins
Assisted Sign-On configuration
10 mins
Start My Day
5 mins
Regular expressions in Pega Robot Studio
5 mins
Module Quiz
5 mins