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Additional toolbox options for automations

9 Topics

1 hr 5 mins

Pega Robotic Automation 22.1
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Pega Robotic Automation 22.1
Robotic Process Automation

In Pega Robot Studio, the Toolbox offers you a wide array of features to help extend automation development to include Windows forms, dialog boxes, messaging to users, Regex, and Microsoft Office connectivity. Additionally, developers have quick access to configuration and automated options for Assisted Sign-on and Start My Day.

After completing this module, you should be able to:

Explain the use and development of Windows forms and application bars
Explain the scope and use of the Excel connector and other Microsoft Office connectors
Describe how to communicate with the user using messaging and notifications
Explain the importance and configuration of Assisted Sign-on
Differentiate between Start My Day and Assisted Sign-on

Practice what you learned in the following Challenges:

Creating an expense tracker using MS Office connectors v1 Streamlining work with Assisted Sign-On and Start My Day v1 Managing data with Toolbox v1

Available in the following mission:

Robotics System Architect v3

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