Robotic Solution Development for Citrix
Robotic Solution Development for Citrix
3 Modules
3 Challenges
3 hrs 35 mins
Pega Robotic Automation 19.1 -
Developing automations for use in a Citrix environment is a necessary function for many clients. Developing for Citrix means you need to understand...
Senior System Architect
Senior System Architect
4 Missions
16 Modules
15 Challenges
1 day 20 hrs 35 mins
Building upon the foundational knowledge acquired in the System Architect mission, the Senior System Architect mission continues the journey to...
Access control
Access control
5 Topics
1 hr 5 mins
Learn how to secure an application using role-based access control, attribute-based access control, and client-based access control.
Auto-balancing in Pega Robot Manager
Auto-balancing in Pega Robot Manager
5 Topics
30 mins
Pega Robot Manager 8.5.2 -
Pega Robot Manager uses Auto-balancing to monitor and move robots between work groups dynamically. Automatic workload balancing reduces the number of...
Citrix robotic project design
Citrix robotic project design
1 Topic
25 mins
Pega Robotic Automation 19.1 -
Developers must determine how an implemented Citrix environment configuration can impact a robotic solution's development by recognizing design...
Implement PDF files with robotic automations
Implement PDF files with robotic automations
7 Topics
55 mins
Often clients create or receive PDF files within a process that require the user to manually edit form fields or validate the fields and data to...
Implementing Citrix in robotic solutions
Implementing Citrix in robotic solutions
7 Topics
1 hr 10 mins
Pega Robotic Automation 19.1 -
Now that the knowledge of Citrix environments are complete, a developer is ready begin solution development. Using that environment knowledge provides...
Robotic automations in Citrix
Robotic automations in Citrix
4 Topics
35 mins
Pega Robotic Automation 19.1 -
Developers must understand the client's implemented environment to determine the best course of action when creating a robotic solution. Knowing the...
Accessing PDF data with automations
Accessing PDF data with automations
5 Tasks
15 mins
The billing department of the Astend Technology company receives invoices in PDF file format and must parse specific data to another system for proper...
Configuring security policies
Configuring security policies
2 Tasks
5 mins
GogoRoad is experiencing a large number of failed login attempts. Management suspects that the attempts are malicious attacks by an internet bot...