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Automate lead assignment with lead routing

Sales operations use lead routing in business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) scenarios to manage leads more intelligently.

Pega Sales Automation™ automatically routes incoming leads to a sales representative or a work queue by using conditions such as location, skill, availability, and workload. You configure the routing rules that ensure leads get to the appropriate sales representative without delay.



This demonstration shows how you can enable routing for new and existing leads.

Log in to the application as a sales operations user.

First, enable lead routing to make the routing feature available for all sales operations users. In the Sales Operations portal, select Administration > Toggle Settings, and then click Enable lead routing.

In the navigation pane of the application, click Tools, and then click Lead routing.

Routing conditions for sales leads

You can configure different conditional criteria to route leads. In the example, several conditions are set up. If a lead does not meet one of these conditions, the lead is sent to SKendall as designated by the Otherwise condition.

The conditions show how you can route leads based on different criteria.

The first condition routes sales leads to a specific user, Alex Porter, when the industry is Healthcare or Government. You can change the operator to require both criteria. You can also use multiple fields to add criteria.

The second condition routes sales leads that meet the specified criteria to a LeadQueue, which is a list of people. If the lead source is email, the lead goes to the queue. Users can pull in leads from the queue to their worklists.

The third condition routes sales leads based on availability, skillset, and workload. For example, skillset can be an industry, such as construction or finance. In this case, the skill is language. The condition routes to a work group that contains representatives with a German language skill of 8 or higher. The condition also determines who has the lightest workload and is available to take the work. The workload factor evenly distributes leads across the work group.

On the Leads landing page, you can change the lead owner for one or more leads. For example, you can click Bulk actions, select one or more leads, and then select a new owner or set to use automatic routing. With automatic routing, the system processes the selected leads through the routing conditions. As a result, you can process existing leads using the assignment conditions.

Create a business lead for a customer, Mathew Neal, and assign the lead by using the routing conditions. On the Leads landing page, click Create lead > Business lead, and then add the contact information for Mathew.

To route this lead through the routing conditions, in the Owner field, click the routing icon, and then select Automatic routing.

Click Submit to add the new lead. The system processes the lead by using the routing conditions. The lead is a referral from a webinar, so it meets the conditions that assign the lead based on availability, skillset, and workload. Based on these conditions, Alex Porter receives the lead assignment.

You have reached the end of this video. You have learned:

  • How to enable routing for new and existing leads.
  • How to configure a routing condition.

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