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Setting the development environment for merge

When developers use branches in a development environment, configure the Development system in order to start deployments when branches are merged.

Configuring the Development system includes the following processes:

  • Defining the Orchestration server URL
  • Creating the development and target applications
  • Locking the application rulesets

The following sections describe the one-time configuration that you need to create a development environment to integrate with the Deployment Manager:

  • Create a Dynamic System Setting (DSS) to define the URL of the orchestration server, even if the orchestrator and the development system are the same. Configure the DSS on the Development system to enable the merge.
  • Configure a Development layer application on the target application and ensure the target application is built-on the PegaDevOpsFoundation application.

For instructions to configure an environment for development, see configuring branch based development system.

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Configure settings before using the Merge Branches wizard

You can start a branch merge, which triggers a deployment, by using the Merge Branches wizard. You must configure certain settings before you can submit a branch to your application.

Before you begin: Before starting a branch merge, do the following tasks.
  1. Check all rules into their base rulesets before you merge them.
  2. Check if there are any potential conflicts to address before merging branches. For more information, see Viewing branch quality and branch contents.
  3. As a best practice, lock a branch after development is complete so that no more changes can be made. For more information, see Locking a branch.

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