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Troubleshooting Interaction Portal issues

This topic covers several possible issues regarding the Interaction Portal.

The Interaction Portal is not loading

If you encounter a white screen or error message when you launch the Interaction Portal, it is possible that the Dynamic System Settings have an incorrect configuration. Alternatively, the settings of a particular operator might be incorrect.

Possible cause 1: Dynamic System Settings

To solve this issue, navigate to Dynamic System Settings in Dev Studio and verify that the following settings for ConstellationPegaStaticURL and ConstellationSvcURL are correct:

  1. Log in to Dev Studio.
  2. In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click Records.
  3. Expand SysAdmin, and then click Dynamic System Settings.
  4. In the Setting Purpose column, click Filter.
Image shows ConstellationPegaStaticURL in Dynamic System settings
  1. In the Search Text field, enter ConstellationPegaStaticURL, and then click Apply.
  2. Click the setting, ensure that the Value field contains the appropriate URL, and then click Save.
  3. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for ConstellationSVCURL.
  4. Verify that the Interaction portal is now loading properly.
    Note: If the ConstellationPegaStaticURL is improperly configured, DX components of the Interaction Portal also fail to load. If you are facing issues with the DX components of the Customer Service App, see

Possible cause 2: Operator Security settings

The particular operator level settings you must verify are not visible by default. Use the following steps to enable the pxEnableC11nDev When Rule that makes the settings visible:

  1. Log in to Dev Studio.
  2. Search for pxEnableC11nDev. and then click the name of the When Rule to open it, as shown in the following figure:
    When Rule in the search bar
  3. Click Private edit > Continue with private edit.
  4. In the 1 field, enter true, and then click Save.
  5. In the header of Dev Studio, click Configure > Org & Security > Organization > Operators.
  6. Locate the operator, and then click the operator ID.
  7. Click the Security tab.
  8. Verify that the operator-level Constellation Service URL and Constellation Pega Static URL fields are either blank or configured correctly, as shown in the following figure:
    The Security tab for the operator settings

Widgets are not loading, or other errors in the UI occur

If widgets are not loading properly, you can verify if the View is configured properly. Use the following steps to establish whether there are errors with any of the widgets:

  1. Log in to Dev Studio.
  2. In the header of Dev Studio, click Configure > Search all options > Channels and interfaces, as shown in the following figure:
    Channels and interfaces for the application
  3. Click Interaction Portal.
  4. Expand Landing Pages, and then click the landing page that you want to verify, as shown in the following figure.
    For example, the My Dashboard landing page represents the Interaction Portal.
    The My dashboard landing page

All configured widgets and components are displayed on the right side of the screen, and any errors are also displayed there.

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