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Verify a Pega Certification

Most frequently asked questions about Pega certifications

You must have an active Pega account to view your certification.

View our simple PDF guide to learn how to get your Pega certification displayed on your Pega account profile.

If you need help adding an email address to your Pega account, see the FAQ below: How do I add an additional email address to my Pega account?

The LSA Architecture exam is a prerequisite exam - a certificate is not awarded.

To earn PCLSA certification, you need to pass two exams:

  1. LSA Architecture exam
  2. LSA Architecture Application Build exam

After successfully completing the Application Build exam, the Certified Pega Lead System Architect certification will be displayed on your Pega account profile.

For more information, visit the Pega Certified Lead System Architect (PCLSA) program overview.

Other frequently asked questions about Pega certifications

You can verify your certification using the exact email address you used in your Pearson VUE exam account. If you have associated your Pearson VUE account email address to your Pega account, then you can also use your Pega account email address to search for your certification.

See My Pega Account and Profile FAQs for how to create a Pega account and add your Pearson VUE account email address to your Pega account.

Pega certifications do not have ID numbers.

All Pega certifications are identified by the name of the certification. For example, Certified Pega Business Architect or Certified Pega Data Scientist.

To accurately verify a certification, you must search the Pearson VUE certifications records with the same email address you used when registering for the certification exam.

If no certification records are found, contact Pearson VUE Customer Support to confirm your identity and verify the email address you used to register for the certification exam.

For additional help, see our FAQs for how to Manage your Pearson VUE account.

To associate your Pega certification to a different email address:

  1. Sign in to your Pearson Vue account.
  2. Click the My Profile link and edit your Primary Contact Information so that the email address for your Pearson VUE account matches the primary email address of your Pega account.
Note: Please allow up to 2-3 days for the changes to sync in our systems.
Note: You must be logged in to download a certificate

To obtain a soft copy (PDF) of your certificate, from your Pega profile, find the certification badge and click the Download button for a copy of your certificate. Pega does not send hard or soft copies of your certificate.

Certifications will display on your profile within 5 business days after the date of your exam unless there is an account issue that needs to be manually resolved. If there is an account issue, it may take an additional 5 days to display your certification on your profile.

The name printed on the certificate comes from the name in your PearsonVUE account.  Contact PearsonVUE to update the name in your account.

Use our Verify Certification search to confirm a user's official certifications.

Note: You must search by the exact email address used in the Pearson VUE account.

All candidates will receive a score report that identifies performance in each test domain. Download a copy of your score report at any time by logging into your Pearson VUE account and clicking the View Score Reports link in the My Account menu.

Pega Certifications currently do not expire, though this is subject to change at Pega's discretion.

Keep your skills and certification current by completing the equivalent Missions. For example: If you earned your Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) on version 8.4, when 8.5 is released, you only need to complete the new content recommended to you in the System Architect 8.5 mission.  After you complete the mission, your PCSA becomes 8.5 equivalent. Additionally, you will never lose the history of all the versions you have earned.

For more information keeping current, see our Badges FAQs.

Yes. As noted in our Pega Certification Exam Policies, Pegasystems, in its sole discretion, shall determine whether an applicant has met the requirements for certification.

Pegasystems shall be entitled to cancel your certification or ban you from taking an exam in the event that:

  • You commit any breach of the testing agreement.
  • You fail to comply with any recertification requirements that may be imposed by Pegasystems to ensure that your skill set is up-to-date.
  • You fail to maintain the confidentiality of the exam by disclosing verbally, in writing, or in any media the contents of the exam or any part of the exam.
  • Any information provided by you in connection with the Certification Program is determined to be false or misleading.
  • You are determined to have cheated, or assisted another in cheating on any exam associated with the Certification Program.

If you were not able to find an answer, contact us.

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