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Cross-Sell on the Web


7 Modules

10 Challenges

6 hrs 25 mins

Visible to: All users
Pega Customer Decision Hub 8.4
Pega Marketing 8.4

Learn how easy it is to author Next-Best-Action decisions for your always-on customer brain using Next-Best-Action Designer. Reduce design time while achieving your business goals by automatically creating strategies that adhere to best practices. This course provides a functional understanding of how Next-Best-Action Designer works and how to use it. Learn how to implement engagement policies and combine artificial intelligence with business levers to select the best action for each customer.

Available in the following missions:

Cross-Sell on the Web Extended v1 Decisioning Consultant v1
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Next-Best-Action on digital

  • Module

    Next-Best-Action on digital

    1 Topic

    15 mins

  • Learn about a typical cross-selling use case on the web channel and its four phases of implementation to improve 1-to-1 customer engagement, drive...

One-to-one customer engagement

  • Module

    One-to-one customer engagement

    3 Topics

    30 mins

  • Familiarize yourself with the one-to-one customer engagement paradigm. Learn about the business problems Pega Customer Decision Hub™ can solve and...

Defining and managing customer actions

  • Module

    Defining and managing customer actions

    4 Topics

    35 mins

  • In Pega Customer Decision Hub™, learn how to use Next-Best-Action Designer to build the business issue/group hierarchies for your organization. Create...

Setting-up the business structure

  • Challenge

    Setting-up the business structure


    2 Tasks

    5 mins

  • U+ Bank wants to organize its next best actions into a business issue and group structure.

    The bank has decided to use the name Sales for the...

Creating an action

  • Challenge

    Creating an action


    2 Tasks

    5 mins

  • U+ Bank has several credit cards. However, the marketing team wants to use a Standard card with “0% APR” and “no annual fee” as the first promotion.


Presenting a single offer on the web

  • Module

    Presenting a single offer on the web


    3 Topics

    25 mins

  • Learn about real-time containers and how they are used to display actions selected by Pega Customer Decision Hub in real-time channels. Gain...

Creating a real-time container

  • Challenge

    Creating a real-time container


    2 Tasks

    5 mins

  • The infrastructure team at U+ Bank is about to enable the website to communicate with Pega Customer Decision Hub™. To proceed, they must agree with...

Creating a treatment

  • Challenge

    Creating a treatment


    2 Tasks

    5 mins

  • The creative department has designed an image to promote the Standard card action. The image is intended to be displayed when customers log in to...

Presenting a single offer on the web

  • Challenge

    Presenting a single offer on the web


    2 Tasks

    10 mins

  • The infrastructure team at U+ Bank is now ready to test the integration between the website and Pega Customer Decision Hub™.

    In preparation, you have...

Defining customer engagement policies

  • Module

    Defining customer engagement policies


    2 Topics

    25 mins

  • Engagement policies are the set of conditions such as eligibility, applicability, and suitability that qualify an offer or a group of offers for a...

Loading actions and treatments from file

  • Challenge

    Loading actions and treatments from file


    4 Tasks

    10 mins

  • U+ Bank recently completed a pilot project to show an offer, the Standard credit card, to all customers who log in to their account page on the...

Defining customer engagement policies

  • Challenge

    Defining customer engagement policies


    4 Tasks

    15 mins

  • U+ Bank has recently completed a pilot project where customers see a single offer, the Standard card offer, when they log in to their account page on...

Avoiding overexposure of actions

  • Module

    Avoiding overexposure of actions

    2 Topics

    20 mins

  • Learn about contact policies and how they are used in Pega Customer Decision Hub. Gain experience defining contact policy rules to suppress actions...

Creating and using action suppression rules

  • Challenge

    Creating and using action suppression rules


    4 Tasks

    15 mins

  • U+ Bank has recently introduced a few credit card offers that are presented to customers based on a set of engagement policy conditions.

    Now, the...

Prioritizing actions using AI

  • Challenge

    Prioritizing actions using AI


    4 Tasks

    20 mins

  • When customers log in to the U+ Bank website, they see the credit card offers for which they qualify based on the engagement policy defined by...

Prioritizing actions with business levers

  • Challenge

    Prioritizing actions with business levers


    5 Tasks

    15 mins

  • The U+ Bank business team now understands how arbitration works when only artificial intelligence (AI) is used for prioritization.

    However, every now...

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