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Additional tasks for setting goals and deadlines

Note: This content describes procedures not covered in the module challenge. Your certification exam may include questions on these tasks.

Setting SLAs for Case resolution

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Note: The following content, referenced from Pega Documentation, is included here to help you better achieve the module learning objectives.

Encourage customer service representatives (CSRs) to resolve Cases on time and enforce your Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) by setting goals and deadlines for a Case Type. As a result, you save time and resources because you avoid missing deadlines. SLA measurement starts when the Case starts and ends when the Case finishes.

For example, if a CSR of an insurance claim request does not resolve the request within a week, the Urgency of this Case rises and the manager of the CSR receives a notification.

For relevant training materials, see the Completing work on time module on Pega Academy.

  1. In the navigation pane of App Studio, click Case Types, and then click the Case Type that you want to open.
  2. On the Settings tab, click Goal & deadline.
  3. In the Use Service-Level Agreement (SLA) list, define the SLA criteria:
    • To define custom criteria, select Custom SLA, and then go to step 4.
    • To reuse criteria from an existing SLA, select Existing SLA. In the auto-complete field, enter the SLA name, and then go to step 9.
    • To leave a Case without an SLA, select Never, and then go to step 9.
  4. In the Calculate time from the start of section, select a method for calculating your goal and deadline times:
    • To start the calculation when a user creates an instance of your Case Type, select This Case.
    • To start the calculation when the parent of your Case Type starts, select Parent Case.
    • To start the calculation when the top-level parent of your Case Type starts, select Top-level Case.
  5. In the Goal section, in the Days and HH:MM:SS fields, enter the suggested resolution time for a Case.

    For example:

    To indicate that the goal is a day, 6 hours, and 30 minutes, in the Days field, enter 1, and then, in the HH:MM:SS field, enter 06:30:00.
  6. In the Increase Urgency by field, enter a value by which you want to increase the current Case Urgency when the goal elapses.
  7. In the Deadline section, in the Days and HH:MM:SS fields, enter the required resolution time for a Case.
  8. In the Increase Urgency by field, enter a value by which you want to increase the current Case Urgency when the deadline elapses.
  9. Click Save.


At run time, your application detects when the goal and deadline are not met, and adjusts the Urgency of the Assignment. To see how much time you have left to complete a Case, refer to the header of the form.

For example:

The following image shows an SLA being set for a Case with a goal and deadline. The goal is set for two days with an Urgency increase of ten, and a default notification message sent to the creator. The deadline is set for five days with an Urgency increase of thirty, and also has a default notification message sent to the creator. See the following image for an example of this configuration:

Set an SLA for a Case with a goal of 2 days, a deadline of 5 days and notifications.

Setting an SLA for a Case
Note: If you update the Case Urgency, the system uses the new value to calculate the Assignment Urgency for new Assignments, but not for the existing Assignments.
Note: For more information about parent and child Cases, see Child Cases.

Setting SLAs for Stages, Processes, and Steps

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Note: The following content, referenced from Pega Documentation, is included here to help you better achieve the module learning objectives.

Ensure that users complete Assignments on time by assigning Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) to Stages, Processes, and Steps. By implementing SLAs, you enforce timely Case resolution and ensure that users follow the timeline that you agree on with your customers.

For example, you can define timelines for customer service representatives to review loan requests within a goal of five days and a deadline of ten business days.

For relevant training materials, see the Completing work on time module on Pega Academy.

The system calculates goals and deadlines as the time between task assignment and task completion, unless your SLA states otherwise. For more information about advanced SLA configurations, see Creating a Service-Level Agreement Rule in Dev Studio.

  1. In the navigation pane of App Studio, click Case Types, and then click the Case Type that you want to open.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the Workflow tab, click Lifecycle.
  3. In the Case Lifecycle section, click the element of a Case Lifecycle for which you want to define an SLA:
    • To define a goal and deadline for a Stage, click the Stage.
      Note: You cannot set a goal and deadline for the Create Stage because the Create Stage collects data before Case processing starts. For more information, see The Create Stage.
    • To define a goal and deadline for a Process, click the Process.
    • To define a goal and deadline for a Step, click the Step.
  4. In the properties pane, click Goal & deadline.
  5. In the Use Service-Level Agreement (SLA) list, select the SLA criteria:
    • To define custom criteria for the goal and deadline, select Custom SLA, and then go to step 6.
    • To reuse criteria from an existing SLA, select Existing SLA. In the Select field, enter the SLA name, and then go to step 8.
  6. In the Goal section, define custom SLA criteria for the goal:
    1. In the Goal section, in the Days and HH:MM:SS fields, enter the suggested resolution time for a Case.

      For example:

      To indicate that the goal is 1 day, 6 hours, and 30 minutes, in the Days field, enter 1, and then, in the HH:MM:SS field, enter 06:30:00.
    2. In the Increase Urgency by field, enter a value by which you want to increase the current Case Urgency when the goal elapses.
  7. In the Deadline section, define custom SLA criteria for the deadline:
    1. In the Deadline section, in the Days and HH:MM:SS fields, enter the suggested resolution time for a Case.

      For example:

      To indicate that the deadline is 1 day, 6 hours, and 30 minutes, in the Days field, enter 1, and then, in the HH:MM:SS field, enter 06:30:00.
    2. In the Increase Urgency by field, enter a value by which you want to increase the current Case Urgency when the deadline elapses.

    For example:

    The following figure shows sample configuration of a goal and deadline for a Step. The goal is set to one day, after which Case Urgency increases by 10. The deadline is set to two days, after which Case Urgency increases by 30:

    An SLA is set for a Step in a Case Type with a goal of one day and a deadline of two days.

    Setting SLAs for Stages, Processes and Steps
  8. Save your changes by clicking Save or Save and run.
    Note: In Constellation applications, the Save and run option opens the previewed Case without showing the Create form of the Create Stage in the dialog box first. Instead, the Create Stage will be visible in the Case’s action area when the Case opens.


At run time, your application detects when the goal and deadline are not met, and adjusts the Urgency of the Assignment. To see how much time you have left to complete an Assignment, refer to the header of the form.

What to do next:

Notify stakeholders about an elapsed goal or deadline. For more information, see Defining an escalation Action for a Stage and Process.

Defining an escalation Action for a Case

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Note: The following content, referenced from Pega Documentation, is included here to help you better achieve the module learning objectives.

Ensure that your business process reaches a resolution on time, by defining an escalation Action for a Case. By enforcing Service-Level Agreements (SLA) and implementing escalation Actions, you enforce timely resolution of Cases and meet deadlines that you agree on with your customers.

For example, if a customer service representative (CSR) fails to resolve a Case within first goal and then deadline, a reporting manager receives email messages with Case details.

For relevant training materials, see the Completing work on time module on Pega Academy.

Before you begin:

Add a custom SLA to a Case. For more information, see Setting Service-Level Agreements for Case resolution.

  1. In the navigation pane of App Studio, click Case Types, and then click the Case Type that you want to open.
  2. In the Case working area, click the Settings tab, and then click Goal & deadline.
  3. In the Goal section, in the Notify subsection, select recipients of the notification:
    • To notify a creator of the Case, select Creator.
    • To notify the participants of the Case, select Participants.
  4. If you select to notify participants, click Manage participants, select the Case participants that you want to notify, and then click Done.
  5. In the Message subsection, select a message type:
    • To send a standard notification, select Use default message.
    • To compose an email message, select Compose a message, provide a subject, click Compose, enter your message, and then click Done.
  6. In the Deadline section, create a notification by repeating steps 3 through 5.
  7. Click Save.

    For example:

    The following figure shows a Case with a Custom SLA including a two day goal. The time is calculated from the start of the Case, and the creator is notified with a custom message once the Case reaches the goal.

    In the goal & deadline settings tab, the goal is configured to notify the creator with a custom message two days after Case creation.

    Defining escalation actions for a Case in the Settings tab

Defining an escalation Action for a Stage and a Process

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Note: The following content, referenced from Pega Documentation, is included here to help you better achieve the module learning objectives.

Ensure that your business use Case moves forward in a timely manner by defining an escalation Action for a Stage and a Process in your Case Lifecycle. By notifying interested parties about an elapsed goal or deadline, you can keep the time frames that you agree on for your business use cases.

For example, if an HR worker fails to meet the goal for running a background check on a job candidate, a reporting manager receives a notification. If the worker misses the deadline, the manager receives an email message with relevant details.

For relevant training materials, see the Completing work on time module on Pega Academy.

Before you begin:

Define notification Channels. For more information, see Notification delivery Channels.

  1. In the navigation pane of App Studio, click Case Types, and then click the Case Type that you want to open.
  2. In the Case Lifecycle section, click the element of a Case Lifecycle for which you want to define an escalation Action:
    • To send a notification after a goal or deadline for a Stage that elapses, click the Stage.
      Note: You cannot set an escalation Action for the Create Stage because the Create Stage collects data before Case processing starts. For more information, see The Create Stage.
    • To send a notification after a goal or deadline for a Process that elapses, click the Process.
  3. In the properties pane, click the Goal & deadline tab.
  4. From the Use Service-Level Agreement (SLA) list, select Custom SLA.
  5. In the Goal section, in the Notify subsection, select recipients of the notification:
    • To notify a creator of the Case, select Creator.
    • To notify the participants of the Case, select Participants.
  6. If you choose to notify participants, click Manage participants, select the Case participants that you want to notify, and then click Done.
  7. In the Message subsection, select a message type:
    • To send a standard notification, select Use default message.
    • To compose an email message, select Compose a message, provide a subject, click Compose, enter your message, and then click Done.
  8. In the Deadline section, create a notification by repeating steps 5 through 7.
  9. Save your changes by clicking Save or Save and run.
    Note: In Constellation applications, the Save and run option opens the previewed Case without showing the Create form of the Create Stage in the dialog box first. Instead, the Create Stage will be visible in the Case’s action area when the Case opens.

    For example:

    The following video shows a user configuring escalation Actions for a Loan Approval Stage. When the Stage reaches its goal, the creator is notified with a default message. When the Stage reaches its deadline, the customer and owner are notified with a default message.

What to do next:

Notify users that work on mobile devices about elapsed goals and deadlines by enabling push notifications. For more information, see Sending push notifications about Assignments routed to a user's Worklist and missed SLAs.

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