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The Email Manager portal

Email Manager portal overview

When the Email bot channel receives an email, an email triage case (Work-Channel-Triage-Email) is created. The email, attachments, metadata, and the results of the natural language processing (NLP) analysis are stored on the case to process and audit. When one of the intelligent routing actions is invoked (for example, the email bot sends an autoresponse), the case receives a Resolved-Completed status to signify that an action has been taken for that email. The Otherwise condition in the intelligent routing dictates where the remaining unprocessed email triage cases are assigned.

The Email Manager portal facilitates the processing of email triage cases that do not meet any of the intelligent routing criteria and must be manually triaged. From the Email Manager portal, an email triage worker can create service cases and route and reply to an email triage case by email directly.

When cases are created from the Email Manager portal, any entity mapping definitions are completed, and the email triage case is added as a related case to the new service case. Any entities that are not extracted can be manually highlighted and mapped in by the worker. The outcome or manual classification of this email is then fed back to the training data tab to further improve the accuracy of the channel’s NLP model.

Email responses

A triage worker can reply directly to an email from the Email Manager portal. The triage worker can select one of the preconfigured templates or write a custom email reply.

The most relevant Email template (based on the results of the NLP analysis) is displayed to the at the top of the email. If the template is not suggested to the triage worker, they can still select a templatized reply by clicking All Replies.

Email Manager portal customization

Developers can customize the Email Manager portal list view to show the most relevant information to a triage worker. From the Email Manager portal, click Customize Table to edit the view.

Duplicate checking

When a Search duplicate cases step is configured in a service case, the email bot honors this check. 

If the intelligent routing conditions evaluate true, and a duplicate is found, the service case is not created, and the email triage case remains in a Pending-Triage status. This email triage case is displayed in the Email Manager portal for manual triage.

When an email triage worker attempts to manually create a case from the Email Manager portal and a duplicate is found, the worker receives two options:

  1. Ignore any duplicates and create a new service case.


  1. Associate the email triage case with the existing service case and optionally update values in the existing service case with entity values from the email.

Manual creation of a service case

Service cases can be manually created from an email triage case by the triage worker in the Email Manager portal from the Create case section. Service cases are suggested to the triage worker based on the NLP analysis of the inbound email. When a service case is selected, case properties are displayed as fields in the create case section. Any entity mappings are applied, and the values extracted from the email are automatically populated in the appropriate case property field.

Sometimes, the NLP analysis fails to recognize an entity value, typically due to insufficient training data. When this occurs, the triage worker can highlight values from the email body and right-click to display a list of service case properties to map the highlighted text.

Once all of the required service case fields are filled, the triage worker can click Create case button to create the service case and resolve the email triage case.

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